18 thoughts on “Freshmen Forum 9

  1. Noa Saito-Takabayashi

    If I could ask God one question, I would ask him “why is there so much suffering, sadness, poverty in the world. Things like homelessness, suicide, racial inequality, illness, and loss of life. I know that God loves us but why would he let these things happen. Almost everyday innocent people get hurt and God stands by and watches from above.

  2. Kaipo

    If I could ask God one question, it would be “Why are there such things as illnesses?” There are many things to fear in life and sometimes I start to think about them. Illness is something that everyone should fear, especially ones like cancer which kills many people. It is one thing for people to obtain an illness but it seems worst when it happens to young children who weren’t given a chance to live a healthy life. I hope someday I find out the answer to this question.

  3. Giselle Bocon

    I would ask God about heaven. I would ask him if my family members and people I love are there and how theyʻre doing. I want to know how my passed loved ones are doing and if they finally ave peace. Thatʻs what I would ask God if I got the opportunity.

  4. Kawena Espania

    The one question I would ask God is if I am going to heaven or not. I hear many things like if you kill something that God created then you can go to hell. At the same time, there are insects we kill that god created that so does that make mean that we go to hell?

  5. Jasyah Macugay

    I would ask him what the after life is like. This is because everyone wants to know how to get to heaven but he already provides the answer for that in the 10 commandments as well as in other sources like the bible. But it would be good to see what is ahead of you in the after life so you can be prepared when times come.

  6. Kanoe Kahahane

    If I could ask God one question, I would ask him “Do you forgive me?” I would ask God this because I have done so much wrong things and hope to be forgiven. I have disobeyed my parents, lied, and did other things that I regret. I have learned from my ways and hope to change and to not be influenced by the devil. In the world today there are so many disobeying people, some may even disobey God and thats not right. God is trying to teach us good ways so that we can thrive and come to heaven in the after life.

  7. Kapena Gushiken

    If I could ask God one question, it would be what do I have to do in order to be accepted into Gods kingdom. I wonder about this because I dont want to be the only one thats isnt accepted into the kingdom everyone calls “heaven”.

  8. Rio Moleta

    If I could ask God one question I think that I would say what is my purpose in this world. I would ask if I even had a purpose, to actually contribute to everyone around the world. I would also ask what I could do to please him more. I would also like to know why there are such cruel and evil people in this world, and why he would let innocent people die everyday, and how he could watch all of these things without taking action. I hope that one day everyone in the world can live in peace and love their neighbor as themselves.

  9. Lanse

    If I could ask him one question I would ask him “Do I have a Place in your kingdom?”. I am a sinner, I make many mistakes I want to know if I am in a good place in his eye.
    It scares me when I think of me not where he wants me to be.

  10. Nikki McGuire 2A

    If I were to ask God one question I would ask him why we would let people suffer. There is so much poverty, hunger, depression, loosing of loved ones, but if God loved us so much, why would he do that to us?

  11. Micah Sagabaen

    One question that I would ask God is: Do my pets go up in Heaven? i always wanted to know what pets or animals go when they die.

  12. justin kelekoma

    If I could ask God one question, I would ask him how he still has a strong love for humanity. With all the violence and corruption going on in the world.

  13. Danielle Brown

    If I were able to ask god one question I would ask him if there is a life beyond the one we live now. In other words.. is our body just a shell for our soul? And when we pass, does our soul leave our body? And if so… then where does it go? This thought makes me think hard because I have always heard people talk about reincarnation and another life and it makes me wonder if it truly is possible.

  14. Sarah Ikioka

    If I could ask God ONE question, it would have to be “Why is there such thing as evil?” I would ask him this question because I don’t understand why there are evil people in this world. The decisions they make just make me so confused. Why would you think of such a thing? Why would these devil like plans even come to mind. If there was no such thing as these evil creatures, our world would come to peace. Our world would be beautiful. Our world would be God’s and only His.

  15. Mauliola Gonsalves

    If I had one question for God, it would be:
    Why must good people go through hurt if they have never sinned?

  16. Brennan Joaquin

    What is it like in Heaven?
    I would ask that because I always wondered what does it look like? How does it feel to be in Heaven. Can I see my past relatives that went to Heaven? Can I play soccer there? Is there good food.

  17. Mahonri Aiwohi

    If I could ask God one question, I would not exactly know what I would want to ask him right off the top of my head. I would probably be too stunned that I am in the presence of God! After a while of contemplating, I think I would ask him How to return to Heaven again. I would also have a follow up question which is if i would be worthy. Worthy to enter into Heaven. I would want to know this because I would want to be with all of my family who had passed already again. Also, because I would definitely want to end up in Heaven again after my physical body dies. I would want to return to live with God again!

  18. Sage Kamaka

    If I could ask God one question I think it would be why would he be able to watch the world like this. Everyday there is always some way of abuse or death to someone that is on the news. And I don’t understand why God would be able to just watch us kill each other in this world. For example the killing of all those elementary kids in Sandy Hook Elementary. That was the most brutal thing a person could have done and God still has no retalliation. I just hope we all learn our lesson.


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