Q: What is Dual Credit?
Q: Where are Dual Credit courses taught?
Q: How are KSK Kumu able to teach HPU courses?
KSK Kumu who have a Master’s Degree go through a “vetting” process whereby their education, credentials, professional involvement, experience, courses taught, syllabus, curriculum map, and graded student course work are examined by department chairs at HPU. They are “vetted” to be able to instruct for HPU.
In addition, KSK curriculum is aligned to current HPU course offerings, thereby allowing KSK Kumu to instruct our E Ola! driven curriculum at KSK for KS graduation, and the dual credit AA with HPU.
Q: Who should take Dual Credit courses?
Q: Why would someone want to take Dual Credit?
Students take dual credits for many reasons, some of which have been:
- To get ahead or get a jump start on college credits while in HS
- Cost savings for their families
- Potential to graduate from college earlier and start work, or grad school
Q: Who should NOT take Dual Credit courses?
Dual Credit is an amazing opportunity for the right student, but it is not recommended for the following students:
- Students who do not have a strong record of academic success
- Students unwilling or unable to commit themselves to doing well academically
- Students who will not ask for help if they need it
- Students who struggle with time management and motivation
Q: What is the cost to take Dual Credit courses?
Q: How is the HPU AA degree different from Dual Credit courses?
Q: What if my student is unsure about enrolling at HPU after high school?
Q: Will ALL dual credit course and/or the AA transfer to ALL colleges everywhere?
Q: Does earning college credit in HS impact athletic eligibility?
Q: This all sounds amazing, what is the “catch”?
We have worked hard to make this program make sense by:
- Keeping our HS students on campus where attendance matters
- Working to gradually build to the 60 credits over 4 years, instead of earning all 60 the last two years of high school
- Student education is still Hawaiian and Christian base, infused with E Ola! outcomes
- Negotiating with HPU to allow our Kumu to instruct our students
- Partnering with a college that acknowledges the existing rigor of KSK HS curriculum
HOWEVER, enrolling in dual credit courses is a high stakes decision for students and families as:
- Students are staring their college transcript as early as their freshman year of high school
- Students who engage in any academic dishonesty are subject to discipline under BOTH campus policies
- Earning and “F” will result in an “F” on the KSK and HPU transcript
- Colleges look at credits attempted vs. credits earned to meet Federal Financial Aid requirements. Thus, a student who takes just one dual credit course, and fails it, has failed 100% of credits attempted, and may NOT receive federal aid for college
- Students who fail a course, must repay $300 per 3 credit course, and $400 per 4 credit course, regardless of if they are on financial aid (keep in mind all course costs are covered provided the courses are passed)
Q: How does my student sign up?
The first step is for students to look for dual credit courses when registering for classes, indicated by a “DC” in the course catalogue, and in the online registration system.
Please keep in mind that while every effort will be made to fulfill student course requests, a student’s academic schedule is subject to the course being available, the course being offered in a period that works in conjunction with the student’s other course requests, and any additional course prerequisites.