Kūhanauna, A Generation on the Rise, was the Kamehameha Schools Strategic Plan that spanned from 2015 through 2020. One of the expected outcomes of this plan was to increase the number of Native Hawaiian students completing a post-secondary program on-time (within 6 years of high school graduation). The Dual Credit program was created at Kapālama to support this plan by allowing students the opportunity to earn college credits before graduating high school. To increase the likelihood of their post-secondary progression and completion, it was our aim for the class of 2020 to graduate high school with 6 or more college credits. We were able to reach this goal with a total 267 students in the class of 2020 earning 6 or more college credits!
Our program continues to support the mission of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop by enhancing the lives of Native Hawaiian students. Offering Dual Credit from 9th through 12th grade provides students with a unique opportunity graduate from KSK with upwards of 40 college credits! This has the potential to be an enormous cost savings for the student and their ‘ohana. Additionally, the graduating class of 2023 will be the first class to have the opportunity to graduate with their 60-credit Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies.
For more information on the AA Degree, click here.