
Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 1.06.51 PM In alignment with Kū Hanauna (KS Strategic Plan 2020), Ka Ulu Aloha strengthens Native Hawaiian identity and improves our educational system in the Middle School where 55% of the 7th grade population are new invitees.

Kamehameha Schools-Kapālama Middle School, values the attributes of a kaiaulu, a community connected by the vibrancy of each students’ talents and passions where every person is accountable and responsible to themselves and others. In Ka Ulu Aloha, each student’s strengths are highlighted, and their unique contributions are honored. Emphasis is placed on the importance of every individual and the role they have towards the success of the kaiaulu.

Within this safe environment and encouraging community, learners will:

  • Support each other by valuing differences and forming diverse relationships between ALL incoming 7th graders
  • Strengthen Native Hawaiian identity by learning ʻoli & protocol specific to Middle School
  • Provide foundation for KS-KMS 1:1 laptop use
  • Sustain continuous enrollment & decrease homesickness

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