Emergency Procedures




1.   Provide emergency preparedness and response instructions, information, and
guidelines for protecting students, staff and Kamehameha Schools Kapālama, as well as to describe the responsibilities of staff members, for a wide range of emergency and disaster situations that may occur.   In the event of a widespread emergency, such as a hurricane, it is recognized that available government resources will be overtaxed and may be unable to respond to all requests for assistance.  This plan assumes that the Kapālama campus must be self-sufficient for a time and may be required to provide shelter to the immediate community.

2.   Provide for interface and coordination between Elementary, Middle and High Schools and the Incident Command Post.

3.   Integrate and coordinate emergency response with municipal, county and state emergency preparedness efforts.


This plan applies to emergencies occurring on Kamehameha Schools Kapālama property or emergencies that occur off-site that affect Kamehameha Schools’ students, faculty, staff and property.


It is the policy of Kamehameha Schools that no guarantee is implied by this plan of a perfect response system.  As personnel and resources may be overwhelmed, Kamehameha Schools can only endeavor to make every reasonable effort to respond based on the situation, resources, and information available at the time.