Student-Led Conference Sign Up Begins…

Aloha e nå Ohana 5B!

Just a gentle reminder that Student-Led Conference sign up forms have already gone home with your keiki.  Please return the form to class and indicate  your 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice.  As the form explains, it is first come, first serve to be fair.  Rest assured that I try hard to honor your choices, but I may need to make adjustments, if necessary. A confirmation of your date and time will be sent home to you in planner as well as a heads up to look for it on the blog once I get all 24 forms.  Have a great “extra” day tomorrow with Ohana and see all students back in class on Wed., Feb. 18th 🙂

Reminder:  Students should have extensive notes on their one hanåu by now and have it in class upon their return.  Can’t wait to see you again for students to share their progress since we last met!  A hui hou!

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Analyzing Math With a Mathematician’s Eye…4 Types of Errors

Karissa copy

The students have been working on adding, subtracting, multiplying, & dividing decimals in groups in class lately.  Students practiced looking at their math work closely with a mathematician’s eye.  What does this mean you ask?  Well, anytime a student encounters an error on class work, they are asked to identify why it was incorrect.  They “dive” into the 4 types of math errors and diagnose why their answer was marked wrong by using the following infopic!  (Infopic: a picture that informs, shares information in a brief, but thoughtful, deep way! Phrase coined by Tony Vincent-a top notch Techie Teacher)  Each of the students made their own infopic to refer to when analyzing their math!  We found that the closer we look at our errors and identify why we got the error to begin with…we don’t make the same error twice!  Check out a few of them below.

SaigeKaiolohia copy

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Cade & Tyce’s Exploration in Stop Motion…



Look what Cade and Tyce are  doing over the long weekend off!  They’re exploring their  “passion” of creating stop motion videos!  Awesome!  I love it when students send me emails with their latest creations…having techie fun!

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Papa ‘Elima Build Pilina and Share ‘Ike


The students in Gr. 5 worked together to share and teach each other about how they use iPad apps in the classroom exemplifying the Hawaiian value to A’o…to teach and to learn.  The students do wonderful techie things in class that “wow” us adults often!  Great to see the students from both 5A and 5B sharing their ‘ike and mana’o in such a positive way by teaching each other!  It was a wonderful time together…Click on the video above to join our journey of learning.

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What’s Pink, Red, & White…With Hearts All Over?

 It’s Kula Ha’aha’a of course!  If you were on campus yesterday, all you saw was a sea of sweet colors!  It was pink, red, & white day as we celebrated Valentine’s Day weekend!  The students even worked on “conversation heart” math by reviewing how to convert raw data into fractions, decimals, and then finally percentages!  Go on, share your fun details with your ohana OR if you are ohana reading this…go on, ask your keiki all about our Valentine fun!  

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Håweo Awardees Celebrate at Lunch!

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Ho’omaika’i to our last Håweo awardees for Trimester #2!  Mikayla and Keahi celebrated today by having lunch with family and friends on the stage of Ha’aeamahi dining hall.  Both students exhibited the Hawaiian value of “A’o” …to teach and  to learn…throughout the month of January.  Congrats to both of our 5B FISH! Job well done, keep up the good work in class!

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Freshly "Minted" Millionaires!  Great job!

Freshly “Minted” Millionaires! Great job!

Congratulations to our newest inductees into the Millionaires’ Club!  All of these haumåna have read one million words so far this year…and counting!  As Trimester #2 is winding down to just hours, Hayden, Dakota, Dylan, Kameron, Makana, & Emma join the club of elite readers!  Every reader in this club has now set a new goal for the rest of the year as we have one full trimester to go!  Ho’omaika’i to our avid readers who read, built upon their  vocabulary foundation, & became great public speakers…all while “diving into a GREAT book!”  Students also read from a variety of genres every trimester and many have shared, “I always read from only my favorite genre, but after class requirements “encouraged” me to read other genres, I have a ton of favorite genres now that I would have never explored!”  Wonderful job, keep swimming strong folks!

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More Math Wonders…

Aloha Kakahiaka e nå Haumåna,

More reading about math!  Check out how to use an abacus!  Share your thoughts and new learning by posting a comment.  Don’t forget to check out the “Try It Out, ”  “Still Wondering,” and  “Test Your Knowledge” sections on the blogroll on the right side of the site.  

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Pops of Genius #3

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 9.46.18 PMThis year is a momentous year for us in 5B!  Why, you ask?  Well, the 5B FISH! took on “Genius Hour!”  This is a time when students are allowed to research their passion, look up information that they value, try our apps that they find, & guide themselves in a journey to new personal learning!  Motivation is high as FISH! are allowed to choose topics & modes of presentation.  Take a look at 5B’s “pops of genius!”  Click on the link to learn about what students are interested in…

Tyce Genius Hour #3 from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Dylan Genius Hour #3 Why Do We Laugh? from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Kameron Genius Hour 3 from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Cade Genius Hour #3 from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Genius Hour #2 Lea from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Genius Hour 3-Karissa from 5BFish on Vimeo.

genius hour #3 by Kacelyn from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Dakota-Genius Hour from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Ryzlin genius hour#3 from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Keahi Genius Hour #3 from 5BFish on Vimeo.


Here are more for your viewing pleasure:  Click on a name for “pops!”

Kana’i               Makana               Hayden               Mikayla               Isabel               Kaimi

Saige                 Kaulana               Shania                Kaiolohia            Sebastian         Emma

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Writing | 2 Comments

Kacelyn the 1st to Become a MILLIONAIRE!

Yaaay!  Whoop! Whoop! Kacelyn is a MILLIONAIRE!

Yaaay! Whoop! Whoop! Kacelyn is a MILLIONAIRE!

Ho’omaika’i to Kacelyn, our very first millionaire for this school year!  Way back in August, the students sat in disbelief as I shared that the expectation was to read 9 genres EVERY trimester and to read ONE MILLION words by the end of the year!  I got many “are you crazy” looks from students, but at the beginning of February…it is my privilege to introduce 5B’s Kacelyn!  Being a “go-getter,” Kacelyn’s new goal…TWO million words by the end of the year!  Again, keep on swimming strong and READ!  It can be done!  Looking forward to inducting more students into the MILLIONAIRE’S CLUB real soon!

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