Kula Ha’aha’a Jumps for Heart!

Our Kula using Cool app!

Our Kula using Cool app!

The students of Kula Ha’aha’a jump for heart…the American Heart Association that is!  Every year, this great event is coordinated by Mrs. Lee in conjunction with her p.e./health class to køkua the American Heart Association as well as put into action the Hawaiian value of Kahiau…to give without any expectation of return.  Great way to spend an aloha Friday…helping others who are in need.  Click on our video to see the 5B FISH! Swim…uhum, I mean Jump! 🙂  Have a great weekend!  Enjoy! 

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One Hånau: Words Paint a Picture In Our Mind

FullSizeRenderLook at this word wall…what commonalities can you identify?  Each word is connected to each other, can you figure out how?  Turn to a partner & discuss what it could be.  Once your have an idea, be ready to share your idea with the whole 5B team!  Now, listen closely to the directions to know what to do next! You will be using pic collage in the next task and then sending it to me AFTER you edit for spelling & capitalization! (Got this idea from @coolcatteacher and modified it to fit into what we were working on in class.)

**Updated on Fri., Feb. 27:  Here are some of the word walls students created for the place they identify as their one (pronounced ohnay) hånau…their birth sands or “where they come from.”  Click on the image to get a better look at it! 🙂IsabelDylanKameron




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Wonder of the Day: Feb. 25, 2015

Here is the link for the day: http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/how-are-ocean-waves-created/  Kana’i and you other water babies, this one’s for you! 🙂




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Wonder For the Day: 2/23/15


Write a 1-2 paragraph summarizing your learning.


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Attention 5B Ohana

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana,

Trimester #3 is already upon us and we are working hard to finish out this school year.  Would like to keep you in the loop as we continue to partner to help all keiki thrive.  All blog post that ask for a comment or submittal is graded!  Please feel free to look through blog posts to read your keikiʻs posts.  Thoughtful comments that are revised and edited are required as they follow the directions for each.   Mahalo for your continued partnership as we “swim strong” to the end of the year.

As a heads up, students should have the following:  over 200 facts on their one hānau (time for research and fact collection was given for in and out of class assignment for the past month), a legend that they have read a number of times from their one hānau (numerous hrs given to research & select legend that relates to one hānau), a revised and edited feature article using the notes from their one hānau (which was due on Thurs., Feb. 19) , have one hānau worksheet completed (given out at the end of Jan), & have all of this in class daily.

The students will be finalizing feature article, creating feature article poster, creating a tech presentation, creating a poem, creating an interactive project designed for both lower el & upper el students, & other assignments using the notes on their one hānau.  This hard work will be part of our annual 5th grade Makawalu Hilo capstone presentation (more info will follow soon).  Feel free to ask your keiki all about their one hānau & be amazed at their extensive manaʻo on it!

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One Hånau

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Wonderopolis: “How Do You Hula?”

Click on the padlet wall and follow instructions.  Please complete 2 thoughtful paragraphs & post to the wall.  Use the pad let directions as a beginning of what you could write.  You must complete this by the end of the day to receive credit.  Happy Friday!  Here’s the link to the article:  http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/how-do-you-hula/

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Doing Our Part to Sustain Our World: Aquaponic System Up & Running Again

Kaiolohiaʻs Infopic on What is Aquaponics

Kaiolohiaʻs Infopic on What is Aquaponics

As you can see, a picture is worth a thousand words! An infopic that is!  The students have restarted our classroom aquaponics system again.  Check out Kaiolohiaʻs infopic above to review how an aquaponic system works…in a nutshell, it is INTERDEPENDENCE!  The plants depend on the fish and the fish depend on the plants to sustain.  We kōkua by feeding the fish, then eat both! Simple!

The background:  last yearʻs FISH were studying sustainability and how the Hawaiians were experts at doing this.  They took only what was needed and always took care of the land.  At the same time, Austin, my son, was researching a Senior Legacy project for his Engineering & Design academy at our high school.  He heard about what we were doing in class and the rest is history!  He decided to design & build a system that would sustain itself and a legacy that would sustain too!  The 5B aquaponic system was created!

The current FISH! are now swimming strong with it and have just replanted, cleaned out the tank, & are caring for the fish.  See actual photos below!

Our new plantings are sprouting!

Our new plantings are sprouting!

Sideview of our system

Sideview of our system

Aquaponics-High school to Elem!

Aquaponics-High school to Elem!  KSH Interdependence!

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Wonderopolis For Thurs., Feb. 19

Here is the link to your morning assignment:

Students:  The comments that you post should be THOUGHTFUL!  You should share factual information as well as your opinion and WHY you believe that!


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Got Genres? Why Read a Variety of Genres?



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