Homework for Thurs., Feb. 23

Aloha e nå Haumåna,

Here’s the homework for today…Read 30 Mins., Complete 20 ?s for ONE of the sides (either Hawaiian History OR US History).  Don’t forget that the end of the month is rapidly approaching, 7 IXL skills are due by the 28th! (Next Tues.)

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Our Inquiry Continues…”What is Your Kuleana?”

Anakala Kawika

What a day!  The focus:  KULEANA!  Students were so blessed today to learn from many sources.  Nånå i ke kumu!  Look to the source!  Anakala Kawika, from our Grounds team, came to class today to share his mana’o and ‘ike addressing our essential question: What is Your Kuleana? He shared his thoughts in acrostic poem form that kuleana has many facets that are interdependent & in all parts of our lives.  He spoke of how important kupuna are in learning to målama ‘åina to be able to sustain ourselves while living on an island, how language is a huge part of our culture & grounds us to the ‘åina,  and aloha ‘åina which helps us build pilina and connects us as people.  He told students to embrace their kuleana and look at it as a blessing!  There is always something to learn, IF you seek out that opportunity!  We even got to hear of his passion called ‘Åina U!  We look forward to seeing Anakala Kawika’s dream of having students visit and learn from and listen to the ‘åina come true soon!  He closed his talk w/ BE INSPIRED to do great things and BE HONORED to continue traditions!  Mahalo for sharing your wealth of ‘ike and so much aloha w/us!  Priceless!

Flying the double shaka with Anakala Kawika!

The students then got to hear all about KULEANA with a KSH/Stanford Graduate & Gates Millenium Scholarship Awardee, Sharayah Campbell!  Miss Campbell told of how her Kuleana evolved as she grew!  As a student, working hard and being committed to school makes a huge difference.  In college, she got to share her culture  w/students from around the world and get inspired as others shared their culture with her.  Miss Campbell had the opportunity to live and work in Japan (another culture that makes up who she is).  All the while, her goals and her kuleana grew as she experienced more!    She shared how being ha’aha’a (humble) helps to learn more, ask for assistance when you need it!  She continues on her journey of education & kuleana as she will be working on getting her Masters in Education to be a teacher.  She closed her talk w/ APPRECIATE what each life experience offers you and leave a POSITIVE trail…We mahalo her for returning home to her roots at KSH to give back to nå pua a Pauahi!

Still flying the double shaka of ALOHA!

“Lawe i ka ma’alea a kü’ono’ono”. What a fantastic day as we took wisdom to make it deep!!!  “Nånå i ke kumu…look to the source” because “E hana püala kåkou…Together, We Can!”  We are #BLESSED!  Stay tuned for more on our journey as we “dive deep” into OUR KULEANA!

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IXL Movers & Shakers for the Week!

These are our top 5 for IXL skills this week!  See our FISH! that are moving and shaking to meet their 7 skill monthly goal!  Go FISH! Go!

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Valentine’s Day….5B Style :)

5B FISH! swimming strong as we celebrated this special day together!  Check out the 5B FISH! as we celebrated the special day together! The students spent the day building vocabulary, teaming, & STEAMing! We discussed effective communication by allowing everyone a voice, we discussed being able to compromise, we discussed “friendly” competition, we discussed strategizing, we discussed growth mindset…all while having a blast together! Having a positive attitude is the key to having F-U-N!

The students were challenged to be innnovtive as they build a sound structure using only conversation hearts, ingenuity, and problem-solving skills! They were allowed to collaborate with their teams as well as share the ‘ike that they gained from testing out their theories to create it. Here the students are sharing initial mana’o and their initial learning. Growth mindset is necessary to succeed! Check in again soon to see the 5B FISH! go full “STEAM” ahead as they communicate, collaborate, & create!

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New Tool for 5B Readers!

Hi Students,

Please post a comment to the padlet wall by tapping on the wall.  Don’t forget to include your name and 5B to it before you post it! 🙂

Made with Padlet


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Teaming for Success!

Students document many ways they use iPads in class and at home!

Aloha e nå Ohana 5B!

Just a friendly reminder that homework is assigned M-TH and should take no more than 60 mins. to complete (including the 30 mins. of reading).  If your keiki is taking much more than that, please feel free to inform me.  Ipad (tech) is a tool in our classroom and is used often as students use it to take learning to a creative level, but should not interfere w/ohana time!  Being aware of what students are doing on the ipad & having discussions at home would be a wonderful way for us to partner to have students practice to be proficient and great digital citizens!  Video game playing is NEVER an assignment for class.

7 IXL skills are required each month.  As I mentioned at Open House, students are given the whole month to complete on nights of their choosing.  This was done in order to NOT tax students by being up late after the many extra-curricular activities they may participate in (sports practices, dance lessons, ohana event, etc). They can choose the night that kuleana is less.  Here’s some suggestions you may find helpful:  1)Have your keiki share their IXL dashboard to see how many skills are completed weekly  2) Set goals/target dates to complete skills over the course of the month 3) Have conversation on short term goal settings & make agreements on specific nights when time permits to work on IXL skills to avoid students “stressing out” at the end of the month

If your keiki is having trouble w/meeting this kuleana, please feel free to let me know…I can offer assistance by assigning  IXL skills as part of homework.  See a part of the reports I receive.  These are the top IXL skill~ builders for the week!  🙂

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Genre Gold + Thinking Skills = Out of the Box Thinking Readers!


“Hey, what’s the genre?  What’s the proof it IS that genre? What event made that book a great book?  Did you agree with the ending?  How would you modify it to improve it and why?  Can you share a cultural connection? Explain how you connect a Hawaiian value to the main character.  How would the perspective change if the book was written from another character’s point of view, Can you connect the mana’o nui (big idea) to an ‘olelo noe’au?”.  These are  some of the student generated questions floating around our class as students share books with each other & practice using higher level thinking skills!  Wow, can you feel the teamwork as students help each other s-t-r-e-t-c-h their thinking!

Students creating their own thinking/questioning skills key chain which include cultural-based questions


and having FUN too!

Congrats to the 18 students who have hit GENRE GOLD this trimester!    That is a huge increase from 10 at trimester #1’s end.  Students:  Can you feel a real-life math lesson on analyzing data coming? 🙂

Genre Gold! Hiki No!

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Ho’omaika’i to Our First “Millionaires Club” Inductees!

Congratulations to our first MILLIONAIRES of this year!  Moments of disbelief (when I shared at the beginning of the year the reading requirement) is replaced by huge smiles (as students realize that they can amaze themselves when they put in the effort towards meeting their goal)!  These students have  read One Million words & met their year end target now!  Welcome the first 5B FISH! that kept their eye on the goal…Job well done RHIAN, ISABELLA, JOHN, & DOMINIC!! Each have already set new goals for the end of the year!  Got 2 MILLION? :).  Many more students are quickly approaching their million word targets & swimming strong!  So excited as students display grit and persevere to “swim strong!”  with a growth mindset!  Stay tuned for more Millionaires!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Feb. 13-17

Kula Ha’aha’a held our monthly Håweo Honors on Thursday!  The 5B FISH! got to welcome Cadence, Reece, & Avani’s Ohana to honor & mahalo them for all their support!  Always a treat for us when we get to celebrate our Ohana at school too!

Here’s the week at a glance…

Mon., Feb. 13~Day 5:  Ekalesia Today…dress whites mandatory 🙂

Tues., Feb. 14~Day 6: Happy Valentine’s Day!  Don’t forget to wear your red, pink, or white today, but please follow guidelines on flyer previously sent home!

Wed., Feb. 15~Day 1:  Library is rescheduled for today!  Please bring your books to return to avoid overdue fees.  This is a great time to find great  books as make the final push to read one million words this year!

Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 16-17~ NO SCHOOL for students.  Have a wonderful 5 day weekend!  Enjoy your time together to make beautiful ohana memories!

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5B Rocks the Lamakü Stage!

Yes, our annual Kula Ha’aha’a Lamakü Speech festival is in the history books!  The keiki celebrated and showcased their oratory talents today on the grand stage of Lunalilo Hale.  5B haumåna were tasked with presenting argument speeches awhile ago and today got to present it as the whole student body and ohana cheered them on!  The whole class chose their topic of passion, researched, wrote, revised, revised again, practice for fluency and presentation!  The students needed to open with a lead that grabs the audience attention, present strong fact-based supporting details which included expert quotes, offer a counterpoint, and end with a “drop the mic” type conclusion.  What a journey of great writing &  speaking!

Ho’omaika’i to our 5B finalists Rhian and Kalå for representing our class extremely well! Here’s a look at their speeches!

Kalå Hawaiian Sovereignty from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Rhian – Dogs Are Better! from 5BFish on Vimeo.

All of the 5B FISH! took the stage to argue their passion…in mannequin form!  Yep, we work hard AND play hard!

5B FISH! Argue…Mannequin Style! from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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