5B Does the Texas Two Step!

Hi Students,

Thought you’d love watching this video & sharing this with your ohana!  Mahalo Aunty Kathy for capturing the memories for us!

5B & Ohana 2 Step from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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Ohana Alert for Week of April 3-7

Look for Beauty All Around!

Makawalu is coming fast and furiously!  Students should be working on creating/making artifacts for their presentations.  Students should also be working on costuming at home and have it in class on Monday, April 17th :).  PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE DEADLINES BELOW.  Mahalo to ohana for helping to bring characters of the time to life!!

Mon., Apr. 3~Day3:  Students will be working on Hawaiian History revisions in class.  Music class welcomes ohana to come do the “Texas Two Step” in Specials class today 🙂  Get your dancing boots on!

Tues., Apr. 4~Day 4: Hawaiian History FINAL due today!

Wed., Apr. 5~Day 5: No library today, please return books before school, after school, or at recess.    Early Release Day…Students are pau school @ 1:30pm.  Don’t forget to make arrangements if needed 🙂

Thurs., Apr. 6~Day 6:  Students will be visiting Kula Waena (Middle School) for a preview!  Ohana, please be aware that they will be asked to sign up for elective classes next week…Forms will be date stamped, please return asap!  Sub will be in class, I have an all day meeting.

Fri., Apr. 7~Day 1: Gr. 4 & 5 Kumu have meeting, sub will be in class.


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KS HITC 2017 Tech Slam: Our EQ is Alive & Well!

What is Your Kuleana?

Dr. Emmalani Case responds…

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Ohana Alert for the Week of April 3-7

“A’ohe hana nui ke alu ‘ia”… No task is too big when done together!

It’s already April…We have been counting the days until Makawalu…only T-E-N school days left before the big capstone project! 🙂  Students should have discussed and solidified ideas for costume and working on creating it now.  Costumes will need to be in class on Mon., April 17th!  Altough no homework is assigned, students may want to use free moments to continue gathering information on Hawaiian topics to be prepared! 🙂 

Mon., Apr. 3~Day 4: Students are to bring revised poem on US History topic to class today and answers to questions on the board (Fri).  Ohana will be dancing w/students today during Specials music time!  Texas 2 Step! Yeehaw!

Tues., Apr 4~Day 5: Hawaiian History finals are due in class.

Wed., Apr 5~Day 6:  Early Release day 1:30pm.

Thurs., Apr. 6~Day 1: Students will be visiting the middle school today! Ohana, be on the lookout for elective sign ups in the backpacks!

Mahalo for ALL your køkua in helping students collect information on Hurricane Preparedness Kits!  So appreciate your assistance to drive and patience as they collected, compared, & measured items!

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Visit From NY Times Best Selling Author Kwame Alexander

Aloha FISH! Friends,

The 5B FISH! Were so blessed today to be able to visit w/New York Times Best-Selling Author Mr. Kwame Alexander!  The morning began by Papa ‘Eha, ‘Elima, & ‘Eono (Gr. 4,5,6) ho’okipa (officially welcomed him) to our Kula (school).  As we know, a ho’okipa is a Hawaiian cultural practice to welcome new visitors to our ‘aina (land).

Mr. Alexander shared his journey as a writer and reader!  Even shared that he wasn’t allowed to watch much TV…he loved that he read instead!  Learned so much new words through his adventures in reading! He shared how ho’omau (perseverance) is necessary in life, as his book got rejected 5 times before it was published!  Need to miss some to “swish” some!  Growth mindset at its finest!

He shared that he loves poetry and tells many mo’olelo (stories) through that genre!  He even told of how he wrote  his wedding proposal in poetic fashion!  The oohhs and ahhhs were audible from the audience! 🙂 Of course, she said “YES!”  He’s written 24 books to date & his book “Crossover” was the Newberry Award Winner for 2015!  By the way, ohana…his newest book, “The Playbook” is now on sale in the Scholastic book order that just went home today!  Students are excited to purchase it!

Asking students what they loved best about his special presentation, here’s what they said,…”I loved the rapping!” “He kept us engaged in what he was saying because we could participate!”  “He shared stories of himself & his ohana so we could build pilina (relationship) with him!” “Wow, he gets to meet other authors too”, “It’s so cool to read!” And of course, “He was so much F-U-N!’ And so much more!   Learning should always be fun!

He graciously autographed our class copy of his award-winning book too!  Ka’øiwi had a chance to ask him OUR class essential question “What is Your Kuleana?”  His answer, “My responsibility is to change the world!”  Mr. Alexander puts kuleana into action!  He recently traveled to Ghana w/other educators to bring the gift of literacy to students (gave out books), built a library, and train educators there!  We’ve found a partner…as the FISH! Strive to Change the World, One Heart at a Time!  We hope he visits again…today, we ho’okipa (officially welcome)…next time, he returns as ohana (family)!  Mahalo for sharing your mo’olelo with us!  A hui hou, Mr. Alexander…until we meet again!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of March 28-31

Hope that all of you had a wonderful Spring Break!  The upcoming week is another busy 3 days!

Tues., Mar. 28~Day 1: Students get to hear author Kwame Alexander today @ Lunalilo Hale.  PLEASE BRING INQUIRY TABLETS TO CLASS!  We will be working on Makawalu presentations & sharing ideas of costumes.

Wed., Mar. 29~Day 2: We will be having a guest speaker sharing on our EQ: What is Your Kuleana? Today :).   Hurricane Preparedness Kit info due in class today.  Don’t forget it as it is part of our K-12 Math Assessment for the year!

Thurs., Mar. 30~Day 3: Aloha Wear Day and Birthday Celebrations today! We will also be having Dr. Rose in class @ 9:45am to administer a student survey. Please have ipads charged and ready to go!

Fri., Mar. 31~ NO SCHOOL for students today!

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Attention Ohana, Køkua Needed

Upcoming Ohana Assistance:

As mentioned at Student-Led Conferences…Makawalu, the Papa ‘Elima capstone project is on Thurs., April 20th!  Please save the date as you won’t want to miss it as students share their learning through their years at Kula Ha’aha’a!  (Exact time to be shared in a flyer sent home after spring break, but Ohana event will probably begin between 1:15-1:30pm)  

I humbly ask your køkua as keiki prepare for this by discussing/creating costuming.  Students will select a costume that matches one of their topics from U.S History or Hawaiian History.  I will be sharing with them,in class, former student choices to “spark” their imagination!  Please discuss this at home, beginning Fri., Mar. 17th.  Mahalo for your assistance at home to help students bring their historical figure to life!  

A friendly reminder that Hurricane preparedness kit prices (at least 2 prices per item) and measurements are due in class on Wed., Mar. 29th.  **Click on the picture!  Look closely! Do you see familiar faces!

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“STEAM”ing at Kumuola Lokoi’a

Whoohoo!  The FISH! Were right at home today!  We went to the Kumuola lokoi’a to test out the wa’a water purification systems built w/Kumu Noe in STEAM class!  According to Kumu Noe, “the students were so focused on testing!  Everyone had a growth mindset as they strategized to improve their systems!”  Love the “no quit” attitude & the continuous strategizing and learning to improve the outcome!

Students also had the opportunity to work with Kumu Manae to learn all about the oli Waters of Kane.  Students then rotated to Kumu Richards group!  Of course, we love Kumu Richards…learning about water quality and salinity of the lokoi’a, all while laughing  a lot and having a blast!  Click on the video below to “catch” a glimpse of our day filled w/so much learning!  AND…it all happened before lunch! 🙂

Ka’u I’a: Post a comment & share how this huaka’i connects to our essential question “What Is Your Kuleana?” Share specific examples of learning in a paragraph of 5-7 sentences. Hit the post comment button AFTER you have revised your comment. This is due on Wed., Mar. 15 @ 7:45am.

5B “STEAM”ing @ Kumuola Lokoi’a from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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March Math Madness!

5B FISH! “Playing” together to order numbers!  Students used the time before morning oli to work on ordering decimals 🙂

March Math Madness w/5B FISH! from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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Mathlethes for the Week

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