Category Archives: Uncategorized

More Turn Reading Into Genre Gold

Congratulations to 3 more FISH! Philosophers of 5B who have “Choose Their Attitude to Play” and Ho’omau! Yippeee to Pomai, Thaze, and Kyden for completing their 9 genre requirement for this Trimester! 7 Students to date have turned reading into … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading, Uncategorized | 12 Comments

A Day In the Life of a FISH!

Just thought we’d share with all of you some of the highlights from today! Enjoy!

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Almost 9,000 HITS and Counting!

Aloha to All You Bloggers, Wow! Almost 9,000 hits to our class blog that we just started in August. This is only mid-January, you do the math! Yikes! That’s a whole lot of people diving into our 5b FISH! Philosopher … Continue reading

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Genres Galore! The FISH! Swim Into Genre Goals!

At the beginning of the school year, I explained to the students and ohana that there was a 9 genre reading requirement per trimester in our class. The students took this challenge & have worked together as a team to … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Reading, Uncategorized | 34 Comments

Mahalo for Keeping Us Safe!

Today was Campus Security Appreciation Day at Kula Ha’aha’a! The students honored our security team for keeping us safe here on campus! Noah, our Aha ‘Opio representative shares the mahalo on our behalf. Uncle Morty said, “if anyone needs any … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan 23-27, 2012

Here’s the upcoming week at a glance… STUDENTS: *This is the last week to practice your speeches for Speech Festival. Speech Festival FINALS will be on Wed., Feb. 1 @8:30am @ Lunalilo Hale. Keep practicing! *KEEP ON READING! Ho’omau as … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading, Uncategorized | 2 Comments


WHOOP! WHOOP! to our Millionaires! Congratulations on a job well done to Noah, Daniel, and Bree! These students are the first to read one million words! Remember way back when in August when I shared that expectation with the class … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert!, Reading, Uncategorized | 11 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan. 17-20

Here’s the week at a glance.  Hope your holiday was peaceful! Tues., Jan 17-Day 1:  MAP testing for Language Useage at 8:00am.  Please try to be in school on time.  This will be the last MAP testing for mid-year.  🙂 … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert! KS Parent Update Forms

Aloha e nā ohana, This is just a gentle reminder that all Parent Update Forms are due to Aunty B asap.  All forms were mailed out to your homes prior to Winter Break beginning.  A 2nd notice copy (yellow) was … Continue reading

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A Hui Hou- Guidance With Mr. Kudo

Since the onset of school way back in August, Mr. Kudo has come to our 5B fishbowl to teach us guidance lessons every other Day 2.  We have learned a lot about making good choices, bullying, & friendships throughout the … Continue reading

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