Category Archives: Techie Things

We Have Liftoff! A Successful Launch for iPad-Year 2

We have liftoff!  The iPads were successfully launched in 5B this morning!  The students share their excitement prior to its arrival.  See their thoughts on the left. Here are just a few of the photos to capture this momentous occasion! … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Attention Ohana!

Please help our tech dept. by taking the following survey 🙂 Appreciate your assistance and you completing survey by Monday, May19th. Hereʻs the link in case you didnʻt get the email from Ms. Richardson! Parent Survey Link

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things | 3 Comments

How to Use Keynote!

Here’s another tutorial to share with the world!  This too created by  5B FISH! Hope you find it helpful! How To Create A KeyNote Presentation Tutorial from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Posted in Go TEAM!, Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Techie Things | 1 Comment

Guest Student Blogger Post: Xander Learns from Ellen

Being kind to everyone is a good habit to have all the time. At the end of every Ellen DeGeneres show, Ellen says, “be kind to one another.” Being kind can sometimes have material rewards, but not always. Being kind … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Pilina, Techie Things | Tagged | 36 Comments

Go Global 5B!

Hereʻs a blog link from a class in Brooklyn that would love to hear your manaʻo (thoughts) on THEIR posts!  Comment away…remember, be thoughtful, be clear, ask questions, and share!  Be a global contributor!  Make a friend from another state…build … Continue reading

Posted in Techie Things | 38 Comments

FISH! Swim Strong…Leaving A Legacy

My Movie 3 from 5BFish on Vimeo. After being together almost a whole school year, the FISH! were tasked with creating a legacy for the future students of Papa ʻElima. They were instructed to share their manaʻo on what is … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Go TEAM!, Pilina, Techie Things | Tagged | Leave a comment

FISH! Swim Strong at KS Tech Slam

Hi Everyone! The KS Tech Slam 2014 was a hit!  The FISH! swam strong today representing all 24 epic techies in our class by sharing their mana’o on all things techie!  The students now became the teachers!  They did a … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 1 Comment


Hi Students, Please complete the following survey to help me to understand how best to plan for you to be able to try this fun game that focuses on the 21st c. skills of communication, collaboration, using problem-solving skills and … Continue reading

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SBKH Video: Water Rights

Aloha e nā haumāna, Please view this video tonight as it is part of your homework.  Take notes on it using the 20th or 21st century tools (paper/pencil or iPad), your choice!  Bring your notes to school tomorrow.  Donʻt forget … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies, Sustainability, Techie Things, Writing | Leave a comment

5B FISH! Techie Tutorial #4, 5, 6, & 7: Ipads Galore!

The 5th graders of 5B share their manaʻo (thoughts) and ʻike (knowledge)…This ʻolelo noeʻau (Wise Hawaiian saying) comes to mind…Ho’okahi wai o ka like-All of one color, same, harmonious, IN UNITY!  Students communicated, collaborated, problem-solved, and used their creativity to … Continue reading

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