Category Archives: Techie Things

Guest Student Blogger – KAʻIANA

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. What you will see in this movie is a short story about paddling and the molokai hoe ( it’s a long distance race ) I will explain what it is and how it became … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – MARCHE

find out.ttp:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. A Puakenikeni is a flower that is white when it’s new and turns orange as it gets older. Did you ever wonder what a Puakenikeni is? If you are interested here is your … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

Guest Student Blogger – LEHIA

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. Long ago people reveal legends of the immense dragon like moʻo or lizards that roamed the land. Such as the giant moʻo of panaʻewa and the furious battle with the goddess Hiʻiakaikapoliopele which created … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

Guest Student Blogger – BROCK

The 3 school wide rules and why they are important Be Safe (Palekana)- We can be safe by being aware of our surroundings and keeping an “eye” out for not only ourselves but others.  For example, if we were talking and … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments

Guest Student Blogger XANDER

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. Today I would like to teach you about sharks. Sharks are very important to Hawaiians. Sharks are a part of the Hawaiian Ocean. If you would like to learn more aboutthe Hawaiian sea life, … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Writing | 2 Comments

Friendly Reminder: Post comment on St. Josephʻs Blog

Hi Students, Just wanted to remind you, it is part of your homework nightly that you post a comment on the blog of our new friends across the pond!  Hope you can get through from home, if not, try to … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Techie Things, Writing | 3 Comments

Math Temperature Check-Area

This is a temperature check for finding the area for rectangles, squares, and polygons… Complete this form, remember to watch a Khan Academy video related to this concept before you hit “submit” button.  

Posted in Math, Techie Things | Leave a comment

Croak It!

Croak it has been sitting on my ipad screen for ages & I finally decided that I’d give it a try, but needed more info on it first.  Found some great ideas to use this app in class, but as … Continue reading

Posted in Techie Things | 19 Comments

Reflecting on Reading at Student Led Conferences

I had the privilege of sitting in on 24 thoughtful, reflective, and “on the money”  eProgressfolio presentations during our recent student-led conferences.  The student shared their feelings and proof/evidence on their reading progress and areas that they needed to personally … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading, Techie Things | Leave a comment

KS IT (Informational Technology) Team Visits our Classroom

The KS IT Team from O’ahu visited our Kea’au campus today to see how technology (specifically the iPads) are being used in our classroom.  The students got to share all thing “techie” that they are working on.  They shared how … Continue reading

Posted in Techie Things, Uncategorized | 24 Comments