Category Archives: Social Studies

Huaka’i to Hilo Hanakahi

The students of Papa ‘Elima (Gr. 5) went on a huaka’i (field trip) this past Friday to Hilo Hanakahi.  It was our honor to have a resident expert, Kumu Lehua-Po’o Kumu of Kula Ki’eki’e (our high school) who is always … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Pilina, Social Studies, Techie Things | Tagged , | 3 Comments

One Hånau: Words Paint a Picture In Our Mind

Look at this word wall…what commonalities can you identify?  Each word is connected to each other, can you figure out how?  Turn to a partner & discuss what it could be.  Once your have an idea, be ready to share … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Techie Things, Writing | Leave a comment

Wonder of the Day: Feb. 25, 2015

Here is the link for the day:  Kana’i and you other water babies, this one’s for you! 🙂 http:// Created with Padlet    

Posted in Hilo Project, Reading, Techie Things | Leave a comment

Wonder For the Day: 2/23/15 Write a 1-2 paragraph summarizing your learning.  

Posted in Reading, Social Studies | 23 Comments

Attention 5B Ohana

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana, Trimester #3 is already upon us and we are working hard to finish out this school year.  Would like to keep you in the loop as we continue to partner to help all keiki thrive. … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert!, Social Studies, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

One Hånau

Created with Padlet

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Wonderopolis: “How Do You Hula?”

Click on the padlet wall and follow instructions.  Please complete 2 thoughtful paragraphs & post to the wall.  Use the pad let directions as a beginning of what you could write.  You must complete this by the end of the … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies, Techie Things | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Doing Our Part to Sustain Our World: Aquaponic System Up & Running Again

As you can see, a picture is worth a thousand words! An infopic that is!  The students have restarted our classroom aquaponics system again.  Check out Kaiolohiaʻs infopic above to review how an aquaponic system works…in a nutshell, it is … Continue reading

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Wonderopolis For Thurs., Feb. 19

Here is the link to your morning assignment: Students:  The comments that you post should be THOUGHTFUL!  You should share factual information as well as your opinion and WHY you believe that!

Posted in Reading, Social Studies | Tagged | 11 Comments

Papa ‘Elima Build Pilina and Share ‘Ike

http:// The students in Gr. 5 worked together to share and teach each other about how they use iPad apps in the classroom exemplifying the Hawaiian value to A’o…to teach and to learn.  The students do wonderful techie things in … Continue reading

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