Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 20-24

Aloha 5B Haumāna and Ohana, It seems that Hurricane Ana is moving away from the Big Island as I type, but please be aware that Flash Flooding may still be happening!   A great day to get extra ohana time … Continue reading

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Congrats to Our 5B Hāweo Awardees!

Hoʻomaikaʻi to Emma Rose and Tyce for being our latest Hāweo Awardees for the month of September!  Both of these students are always willing to mālama the team!  They always have smiles on their faces in school and willing to … Continue reading

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Stay Safe!

Aloha 5B Students and Ohana, Stay tuned and stay safe as Tropical Storm Ana nears.  Just as a reminder, school will be closed tomorrow, Fri., Oct. 17 as we all prepare for the worst, but hope for the best!  Wanted … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 13-17

Here’s the week at a glance for your calendars: **IMPORTANT INFO TO KEEP IN MIND:  Genius Hour➗ 2 project #2 research due on Monday, Oct. 20th.  Bring all research to class.  Continue to do your research on your passion!  9 … Continue reading

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YOU Matter, WE Matter, THE WORLD Matters!

Hi Students, Bet you’re wondering “Who is this?”  “Why is Mrs. Ah Hee posting this?”  “How does this connect to our FISH!bowl?”  Well, let’s begin with this…  Ms. Maiers is an international award-winning educator, speaker, trainer and consultant.  She has … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Pilina, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Be Safe…Arrive Alive!

http:// Students asked me to share this with everyone on our blog!  This emphasizes what happens in a second and how we need to look out for one another to be safe!  Never answer a text or phone while driving…a … Continue reading

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IXL Skills for Month of Oct. & Nov.

Aloha, Here are the IXL skills that you can select from for the month of October and November.  F.3 – F.11, F.14 – F.23, H.1- H.16.  Remember, you need to complete a minimum of 7 skills by the end of … Continue reading

Posted in Math, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 3 Comments

The 5B FISH! Swimming Strong Together!

The students in 5B today chose “homework buddies!”  What’s a homework buddy you ask?  Students were asked to find someone that they could pair up with to focus, complete, assist, or discuss homework with. First thing on the agenda for … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Techie Things | 52 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 29-Oct. 3

Here’s the weekly update: ATTENTION PARENTS:  Swimming for 5B all done for the year.  No swimming on Fri., Oct. 3rd.  Day will be used for 5A who missed a class due to our previous huaka’i to Mokupapåpa.  iPads are to … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 22-26

Here’s the week at a glance, as well as a few “heads up” deadlines for the near future… Just a friendly reminder that students should check our class blog daily during their homework time (whatever time is set aside for … Continue reading

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