Category Archives: Go TEAM!

Whoop! Whoop! Team Celebrations!

Got A Poem In Your Pocket?

Today was Lā Poema ‘Inipākeke (Poem in Your Pocket) Day at Kula Ha’aha’a in honor of National Poetry Month! The students carried poems in their pockets. If tapped on the shoulder by someone, the students would whip out their poem … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 27 Comments

Newest Millionaire Club Members

The 5B FISH! welcomes the newest millionaires! No, they didn’t hit the megabucks or the lottery! They hit the BOOKS! Ho’omaika’i to Saige and Kiki for reading 1,000,000 words! They both presented their 28th book as the team cheered them … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 3 Comments

FISH! on Huaka’i

The 5th Graders went on a huaka’i to the Palace Theater to watch the movie, “Big Miracle.” It was a great movie focused on how a whole community joins together to help an ohana of whales trapped in the ice. … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 22 Comments

The 5B FISH!…Cast Party and Final Celebration!

The 5B FISH! had a blast at the cast party at the pool after their wonderful performance! Here are some of the pics that show just that! Mahalo to all the ohana who attended the performance in honor of our … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 5 Comments


Aloha Ka’u I’a, As we have done all the final preparations for the 5th Grade Play ‘E Onipa’a today and all that is left for us to do now is get a good nights sleep, just wanted to share with … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert! | 1 Comment

Read, Read, Read! We’re on the Home Stretch!

Here are a few book recommendations that may help you as you select different genres to read! Enjoy the book talk!

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Play and Pay It Forward…Sharing Mana’o with Ohana Trivia

Aloha e nā Haumāna a me nā ‘Ohana, As we prepare for the 5th Grade play to take the stage, we would like to share with you the many months of hard work that went into this performance…I’m certain that … Continue reading

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Ho’omaika’i Trimester #2 Awardees

  Ho’omaika’i to all our Trimester #2 Awardees!  Enjoy the slideshow of this great event!  

Posted in Go TEAM!, Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert! | 3 Comments

Get Ready, Get Set, Go! LEAP into a Good Book!

Happy BONUS Day! Today is February 29th. LEAP DAY! According to the Gregorian calendar, leap day happens once every 4 years. Why you ask? Well…the common belief is that it takes the earth 365 days to circle the sun once, … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Reading, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Jumping For the Heart & From the Heart!

The students of Kula Ha’aha’a participated in Jump Rope for Heart, sponsored by the American Heart Association.  Our very own PE. teacher, Mrs. Lee coordinated this great “kahiau” effort to help others with heart disease and more importantly, to prevent … Continue reading

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