A huge catch of FISH! Today! Our day began with Reese and Kamaka putting teamwork into action. They were alakaʻi to lead our morning meeting sharing and when Reese started a sentence and got stuck, he looked over to Kamaka & he jumped right in to finish it! We discussed how the trust level has gone up as Reese felt confident that Kamaka would lend a hand and Kamaka jumped right in to do just that! Teamwork! Hence the BUSTED! Reese for trusting his teammates and Kamaka for offering assistance!
Score! Caught more FISH! For the busted post when Mya walked up to me, book in hand, to share how she had this great book on her home bookshelf. She continued to share why she thought it was great and how it would be so perfect for Kerilyn! She even shared connections to a few book presentations that Kerilyn did to justify why it would be one that Kerilyn would love to read! BUSTED Mya, for really being “present” with her teammates to know what they would like & for offering to loan it!
Looks to me that the FISH! Are swimming strong and are putting teamwork into ACTION! We discussed in class how everyone has grown together as a team. The students were proudly sharing their progress of where they came from to where they are now! So enjoying this journey as we continue the swim TOGETHER! Welcome Trimester #3, here comes the synthesizing of all the learning so far & make it count!