Aloha Kakøu
Here’s the week at a glance:
Don’t forget to get a good nights sleep, eat a good breakfast, & come with a positive “can do” attitude! You’ll do great!
Mon., Apr. 16-Day 5: MAP Test-Reading. 6th grade counselor, Mrs. Moran will be coming to our pod to talk about course sign up for 6th grade. Students will be given a sign up sheet that is first come, first serve. Be on the lookout for it Monday afternoon! The faster you discuss & decide & turn form in, the better your chances of getting your choice of elective for next year!
Tues., Apr. 17-Day 6: MAP Test- Language Useage. No Art today. Art will be rescheduled to Fri., April 20.
Wed., April 18-Day 1: MAP Test-Math. This test is first thing in the morning, please do not be tardy if all possible.
Thurs., Apr. 19-Day 2: PTO General Membership Meeting at 5:30pm
Fri., Apr. 20-Day 3: Aloha Wear Day 🙂 Art Rescheduled Class today.
REMINDER: Don’t forget that May Day attire is blue and white aloha wear! For more specifics, please contact Kumu Crabbe. Attire was discussed in his class. May Day is on Fri., April 27th, hope to see you there!
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