I just recently (over the Winter Break) got an iPad at school. A group of teachers went in to school for a brief training and learning session with Mrs. Cordeiro and Mrs. Stack. We learned the basics and now I want to use it in the classroom. I begin a new educational journey, now with the latest version of the brainchild of Steve Jobs…the iPad! (Never too late to learn…and yes, old dogs can learn new tricks!) 🙂 Just like way back when…in August when I was a novice blogger, I am now a novice iPad user. Austin and Aidan have been of great assistance in learning how to find apps and getting it downloaded. They can navigate their way around on the iPad, having Smart phones sure helped! Unfortunately for me, I have a “not so Smart” phone. 🙁 I do have a positive attitude about learning though and the spirit to try my best! That’s all anyone needs to learn, a good attitude….the ho’omau spirit!
Here’s what I need your help with…how can we best use the iPad to learn in class? What apps do you find helpful? What possibilities can we unlock with the iPad? I have a few ideas that I’ll be sharing with you when we return, but I know that you’ll have great ideas too! We are a TEAM! Share your mana’o!
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