Po’akahi 10/18/21 – NO SCHOOL – K-5 Faculty InService Day
Po’alua 10/19/21 – Day 1
- RED for Pauahi Day: Dress in Red to honor our Ke ‘Ali’i Pauahi; Refer to student handbook on attire guidelines.
- Roses for Pauahi Collection begins; In honor of our princess, we will be having a collection table every AM; donate any amount of money & you will earn a paper rose to add to our kula ha’aha’a rose pillar.
- Roses for Pauahi Drive will run from 10/19 – 11/19
- Classroom with the highest percentage of student participation AND the most donations by WEIGHT will receive a treat at the end of the collection period. Tie breaker (if needed) will be by drawing.
- Robotics 2:45p-4:30p
- NLOK Papa 1-2 2:45p-3:45p
- Halloween Treat Collection 10/19-10/21: Collection cart located in front of the Admin. building on bus ramp. Donation drop off in AMʻs only. See collection guideline & flyer in SeeSaw announcement.
Po’akolu 10/20/21
- Halloween Treat Collection 10/19-10/21: Collection cart located in front of the Admin. building on bus ramp. Donation drop off in AMʻs only. See collection guideline & flyer in SeeSaw announcement.
Po’ahā 10/21/21 – Day 2
- Last day to drop off Halloween Treat donations
- 1A Huaka’i
- NLOK for Papa 3-5 is cancelled for today
Po’alima 10/22/21 – Day 3
- Aloha Wear Day: refer to handbook & flyer for dress guidelines
- 1B Huaka’i
Hau’oli Lā Hānau this week (10/17-10/23) to:
1A: Kaison Kuoha
2A: Blayke Tiogangco
2B: Darien Christensen; Tutoatasi Scanlan
3B: Aureana Hoshide
5B: Reese Makaimoku
Kumu Sanchez
Upcoming Next Week:
10/27 – K-5 Chapel
10/28 Birthday Celebrations with special treat
10/29 K-5 Faculty Workday – NO SCHOOL
10/31 K-8 Tent O Treat (drive thru Halloween Treats)