As you know, the 5th Grade students and Ministry students were on a mission to “change the world, one heart at a time!” They sent letters of mahalo and goodies of Kisses candies and Macnut treats to the soldiers “Warriors” of the Big Island. They also sent video prayers for our troops lead by Kahu Davis at Ekalesia. All this time, the students worked diligently, but did not know where it was being sent to.
Well…we got a box…from half way around the world…from Charlie Company in Kuwait! Our Warriors in Kuwait wrote back! They enjoyed the macnuts, kisses, posters, cards, letters, prayers, & especially knowing that WE CARED! We mahalo’d them and they mahalo’d us! They tried to personally reply to most of the students between all their official duties. The box contained photos of Kuwait, “the sandbox,” as some of the soldiers call it & an authentic certificate attached to a United States flag. The certificate stated that the flag we received flew through the skies of Kuwait on an official mission to protect! Wow! We are so honored! We know that our Big Island troops are extremely busy…they do have a country to protect, but we are so appreciative for the reply. “Warrior” to “Warrior”….MAHALO! GODSPEED:)
**Students: Please share your mana’o…your thoughts, feelings, new learning, etc…As usual, ponder, type, review, revise, then hit the send button! 🙂
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