Welcome To Our New Guest-

We were honored to have a special guest early this month.  His name is Donald “Spiderman” Thomas and he is a volunteer for the American Heart Association and Jump For Heart.   He has been jumping rope for many years and speaks to schools, churches and anyone who will listen.  He is very passionate about eating healthy and staying active with lots of exercise.  He told us he was sickly as a child and read a lot about being healthy because he did not want to be sick anymore.

He read and learned how to eat healthy and decided he would jump rope for exercise and has done it ever since.  He shares his enthusiasm wherever he goes and enjoys sharing his knowledge with children.  He has written a book and has been awarded world records for his efforts in speaking on health.   Everyone had fun as he shared and invited students to jump with him.  His book will be put in the library for your pleasure.

Mahalo nui to Mr. Thomas for sharing your knowledge with us and spending time out of your busy schedule.



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