Reading Groups

We have gotten off to a great start with our Reading Workshops.  Our haumana of Papa 1 are enjoying a variety of non-fiction and fiction literature.  We have begun learning a lesson from Literature Guru, Stephanie Harvey about noticing and thinking about non-fiction features.  Stay tuned as we incorporate more about non-fiction features with reading, writing, and even about our island home, Hawai`i.

***Cute 1st grade moment

While continuing our learning of writing, Kumu Kaleo reviewed the structure of a writing piece explaining that there are three basic parts to writing.  These parts include an introduction or beginning, a body and a conclusion or ending.  When the keiki were given the opportunity to write about themselves, Kumu Kaleo made everyone begin with jotting down on draft paper their thoughts on an introduction, body, and ending.  These first grade keiki reminded me of how young they are and that they often still need things explained thoroughly, modeled and remodeled.  The photo above depicts what one of our keiki thought I meant by Introduction, BODY, and ending.

Have a great weekend my Papa 1 haumana!!!!


Kumu Kaleo



Mahalo Kumu Littrell

The Kamehameha Schools celebrates its employees by recognizing staff that have dedicated their time and years to our Hawaiian institution.  Celebrating her 20 years with our school is Kumu Littrell.  Kumu Littrell has been in a variety of positions including, the KEEP Program, Preschool Teacher, Summer School Program Coordinator, our VERY FIRST Kindergarten teacher, and now our 1st grade Kumu.  From Kumu Kaleo and all the keiki of Papa 1, we want to say a big MAHALO to Kumu Littrell for all her years of service to the mission and vision of our Ke Ali`i Pauahi.

Mahalo NUi!!!


Information Writing

As a class and with Kumu Kaleo’s help we wrote a small information writing piece.  We decided and agreed that we would write about a classmate who had a birthday during the month of August.  We were given reminders as to how writing has different parts that include, an opening or introduction, a body that has some detail, and a conclusion or ending.  Given the “rules” we began to gather information by using a bubble map.  After we got sufficient amount of information about our topic (Kahili) we decided to write out some sentences by putting the information and details together.  Next, we decided on a clear and catchy introduction, and a conclusion to end our writing.

Here’s what we put together:

And our FINAL read this:

We are going to tell you about our classmate.

Kahili is a kind, smart and tall first grader who shows ho`ihi at Kamehameha Schools.  Kahili is a six year old boy who will soon be seven.  He plays sports like baseball and football.  Kahili has two brothers and one sister.  Their names are La`iku, Nakoa, and Auli`i. One day Kahili wants to enter the Olympics.

I hope you enjoyed learning about our classmate Kahili?


Readers, Parents, Keiki………  For First Grade, do you think that this is the kind of writing our keiki should know now?  Know midway through the year?  OR know by the time they are done with first grade?  Why?  If you were the kumu and needed to grade this writing sample, what would you give it? Not Met? Approaching? Met? OR EXCEEDS?  AND WHY?  I look forward to any and all comments and thoughts.

Have a great weekend my Kamehameha Papa 1!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Kumu Kaleo


Say Cheese!!!

Say Cheese!!!!  Tomorrow, Thursday, August 16 is our school picture taking day.  Order packets have gone home earlier and need to be turned in by tomorrow.  I have received a bunch of forms already.  You do not need to order pictures, however, every keiki WILL take a photo.  If you have any questions please contact me.  Kumu Kaleo

First Week of School

Welcome Back to School…. Papa 1

Aloha and welcome to Papa 1.  My name is Kumu Kaleo and I am very excited to be a part of the Kamehameha Schools Hawai`i `ohana.  Kicking off this school year, today we assembled as one campus at the Piko of our kula.  Through oli, pule, and mele, we all welcomed our new Po`o Kula, Dr. Holoua Stender and his family.

Our day continued as we gathered as a Kula Ha`aha`a in Lunalilo Hale for our assembly.  Po`okumu Nae`ole-Wong and new Po`okumu Hope Iaea-Honda greeted us with words of aloha.

We had a great day and hope that our year will be a great one together.

Na pu`e `uala `ina`i o ke ala loa…….Sweet potato mounds that provide for a long journey.

Stay tuned as I learn more about blogging and share the happenings of our Papa 1.

**Reminder:  Parent Open House is this Friday night….see you there!!!