
Our keiki were very fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience a whooooooole lot of beeeeeeez today at school.  Upon returning from lunch Kumu noticed some bees next to our building, as we got closer we realized that it wasn’t just some bees, but rather a enormous swarm of bees.  The bees began to overtake the Ti-leaf plants and was so heavy that it bent the plant towards the ground.  The haumana were lucky to observe a Honey Keeper come and help our school with the situation.  In addition, Kumu Kaleo (as scared as he was) got to go outside and handle some bees with Hope Po`okumu Iaea-Honda.

Check out these and more from other blogs sites at our school. (as it was the high-lite of the afternoon)

Ho`omaika`i e Kāhili and Avani

Congratulations to our Hāweo awardees from Papa 1A.  Both Kāhili and Avani role modeled the value of Hō`ihi at school.  Mahalo to their `ohana for joining us at lunch today!  Ho`omaika`i!!!


Conferences coming up……Nov. 20 & 21

Conferences are right around the corner; Tuesday and Wednesday, November 20th and 21st.  I have a few mākua who have signed up already.  Please e-mail me or call our classroom for your preferred date and time. If we do not answer, leave a message.  Conferences will be conducted from 7:00am – 3:00pm on both days.


Classroom: 982-0233

Fall Intercession

Aloha my Papa 1 haumāna,

I hope that everyone has gotten off to a great start on their break.  I have already run into a few of you.  I saw Damien and his dad at the mall and Nalu and his grandma at the airport.  Just as we talked about in school; please be safe, have fun and if you want or can, let us know what you are doing by posting on the blog.  I’d love to know what you folks are up to.  As for Kumu, I have been busy.  I have already flown and returned from dropping off my son to visit his mom in Maui, I’ve met up with some of my classmates and friends from high school, and attended a “Tech party” with a few other Kumu.  At the Tech party I learned a few new things about technology; notice the Animoto videos I’ve made……..yippeeee, I now know how to make them.  And to my I-pad playing friends at school……I also learned how to download, and get new apps for our I-pad, I hope you like the new apps that I’ve downloaded so far.

Again, please be safe, have fun and let me know what you folks are doing.

Lots of love and aloha to you guys, my papa `ekahi haumana………………. Kumu Kaleo

Papa `ekahi first huaka`i

Our first excursion to Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Farm, Green Point Nursery and Shipman Park.

Mahalo to Green Point Nursery and Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Farm for all the Anthuriums and Macadamia Nuts. Also, a big aloha to Aunty Darissa, Aunty Farrah and Aunty Malia for chaperoning.

Math Is Fun

Investigations Math, Unit 2 has a focus on Geometry.  To provide a hands on experience with this unit we have been making shapes and quilts.  Keiki have been encouraged to simply play with the geometric shapes of hexagon, square, rhombus, triangle, and trapezoid.  They were given tasks to create images or pictures using 12, 18, 25 or 28 pieces.  They’ve recorded and drawn their creations.  The following are some examples of what our papa 1 have done….. I think it’s pretty cool!!!  What do you think?



Weaving in the learning

Puna is known for its Hala groves that invigorate its lands.  As we continue our learning of this wahi pana we integrated the art of Lauhala weaving.  The keiki learned of some purposes of the Hala, painted with the Hala “brushes”, are learning a Hala song, all to better understand and relate to this special place.