Operation Christmas Child

MAHALO NUI to everyone for donating all the items to fill 4 shoe boxes for our Operation Christmas Child.  We were able to make 2 boxes for girls and 2 boxes for boys. Our keiki stuffed, labeled and delivered the makana making it a true gift from our papa.  It is during these times that we say mahalo for all the things the we have and share with others who may be less fortunate.

As we enter into the Holiday season, please reflect upon the many blessings that we have right in front of us…….each other, healthy keiki, a beautiful school, and aloha kekahi i kekahi.

I hopena pule maika`i!!

Na`u no,

Kumu Kaleo

Mai poina…… dress white attire on Monday,  Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday.


You might wonder what could geography, food, and a party have in common?  Well, in Papa 1A, we made all three go together.  Geography week has allowed us to focus in on interdependence and food.  We have been talking about our favorite foods, where they come from and how that relates to us.  As recipients of Mrs. Hara’s IXL mastered skill awards, we decided to have our pizza party today.  We were able to talk about how we relate to pizza, where it comes from and so forth.  We had a blast.

Mahalo to Mrs. Hara for delivering the pizza!!

Watch and see what we did!!!

Geography Week Nov. 11 – 17

Geography week is focused around the theme of interdependence.  How do we relate to the the things around us?  How do we relate to people in other places or right at home?  In first grade we will be using a topic of food to explore our relationship with others and things.  Please post a picture or recipe of a favorite food or dish.  Tell us why you like it and where it is from.  Our keiki did this today.  We will be eating something from a different country tomorrow……yes, with our pizza.

Congratulations IXL Math leaders!!!!

Congratulations to our Papa 1!!!!  We mastered 394 skills on our IXL math during the first trimester.  Because of everyones hard work Ms. Hara announced that our class had the most mastered skills for grades K-2 therefore, being awarded a PIZZA PARTY!!!!!  Our party is tentatively scheduled for next week Wednesday.  Keep up the GRRRREAT work gang!!!

Huaka`i to Ka`ū

What an awesome huaka`i to Ka`ū. We were blessed to have had wonderful people from the community meet and share their expertise with our haumāna. Mahalo to John Cross for setting up our visit to the Ka`u Coffee Mill owned by a wonderful man named Mr. Olsen. This Pāhala farm provided snacks for all our keiki and chaperones, gave coffee samples and really treated us like family. Mahalo to artist Kathleen Kam who shared her mural of Ka`ū, modeled drawing of native plants and played with us, “guess who I’m drawing.” Later that morning Mr. John Kahiapo met us at Punalu`u. He took us on a hike to a church and shared mo`olelo about the place, Ke Ali`i Pauahi and a great Hawaiian man named Henry Opukaha`ia. We were treated to a beautiful day, greeted by honu, fresh water springs and of course the great ocean for swimming. Mahalo…….. Ka`ū i ka makani ku`ehu lepo.


Learning about Ka`ū taught us that our kūpuna arrrived at a place called Ka Lāe (South Point) the most Southern part of our Hawai`i Island. Because of this we have had conversations regarding the wa`a, what may have been brought over on the wa`a and what was needed. Food naturally became a topic of discussion. This led to the talking of healthy foods. While comparing and contrasting the foods of our kūpuna and that of western, healthy foods on thinking maps we thought we’d make some healthy snack……. granola.