Jesus is Present!

I recently watched this video clip in a church I visited on O’ahu.  It is inspiring! Not only does this clip show us that Jesus “was, is and is to come”, but that an 11-year old could do the showing!  Be encouraged that our age or experience does not make us better or worse in the eyes of the Lord.  We are all loved with the same unfailing, unending and immeasurable love!  After watching the video, let me know what you think!

1 Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”

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Glorify Thy Name!

Please click on this link to view more photos of the service

Our Charles Reed Bishop Service was held on Wednesday, January 25th. K-12 were present and it was a blessed time to remember and thank God for Charles Reed Bishop, the husband of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who was instrumental in carrying out her wishes to create the Kamehameha Schools.  It is fitting to give thanks for all he has done.

During the service the elementary Praise & Worship Team had the pleasure of presenting their song “Glorify Thy Name”.  Ho’onani was their alaka’i!  I thank God for our ministry and I am so thankful to all the Praise & Worship Team participants for going out there in front of all those people to praise God!  I was blessed because of it and I know you blessed God and others as well. Mahalo ke Akua for your courage!

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Ministry Christmas Party and More!

Happy New Year!  Before we went on Christmas Break, the Elementary Ministry had their Christmas celebration on December 14th.  In the past we did a grab-bag gift exchange along with games, and enjoyed cake and ice cream.  Well, this year we did things a little differently.  Although we enjoyed the ‘ono cake and ice cream, the students brought in one or more canned goods to donate to the Neighborhood Place of Puna, an organization dedicated to helping families in the Puna area.  We also made simple Christmas cards that were sent to some of our military troops that are from Hawai’i or have Hawai’i ties.    I know that the people at the Neighborhhod Place of Puna were very thankful and said that the canned goods will be used because they are seriously needed.  So mahalo nui to all our keiki that donated and made Christmas cards. God loves a cheerful giver!

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Thanksgiving and Christmas Convocations

 I truly love the holiday season!  There is nothing like it.  I love it because it is time when there is more focus on ‘ohana and pilina, where there is more giving, kahiau, and most of all appreciation for all that God has done. 

Our Thanksgving Convocation was blessed!  Pastor Dan Deluz from the Assembly of God Glad Tidings Chruch was our guest speaker and he shared about being thankful is any situation.  We also collected may shoe boxes filled with gifts for Operation Christmas Child.  Kahu Davis blessed the boxes that will be sent to children in great need in Ecuador!

During our Christmas Convocation, Kahu Brian Welsh from Haili Congregational Church shared his message of being on the path that leads to heaven with his descriptive story of climbing Mt. Olomana on the island of O’ahu.  Both services were filled with singing, praise, laughter and worship!

Mahalo to all those that participated and for their kōkua and service!

Click the link below to view pictures and video of our Thanksgiving Convocation.

Click here for Keiki Choir singing “Do You Hear What I Hear?”

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What Are You Thankful For?


1 Chronicles 16:8

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
      Let the whole world know what he has done”

Thanksgiving is coming up very soon and it is a great time to reflect on what we are thankful for.  It helps to make a list and post that list up somewhere so you can see it every day.  This helps us to have an attitude of gratitude.  I remember kupuna at church years ago said that it’s hard to be thankful if only complaining comes out of your mouth!  Wow, talk about an eye opener!  Think about what you’re thankful for and leave it as a comment.

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Would You Move?


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The Kindergarten classes recently learned a lesson about when God told Abraham (Abram) to move.  Abraham didn’t even know where he was going, but he trusted God completely and went knowing that God was going to lead.  The keiki learned that the pilina Abraham had with God was pono because he listened, trusted and obeyed.  We played a moving game where the students had to “pack” and “unpack” as quickly as they could.  We discussed how moving isn’t always that fun or easy like the game, and that sometimes God asks us to do things that are not that fun or easy too, like saying sorry and being kind and respectful, or being patient, but He loves us and we must trust that following His commands are pono and maika’i for us.

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October ‘Ekalesia

Click here to watch the Praise and Worship Team present “More of Your Glory!”

October ‘Ekalesia was again so blessed!  God is faithful, which means He is always present.  I am so proud of our Praise & Worship Team that did such a great job presenting a worship song entitled, “More of Your Glory”.  Also to our Deputation Team that lead our service, as well as, read scripture and lead prayer.  It was a very Spirit filled service!  Just remember all the shoes that Kahu showed us and how we must follow Jesus wherever He leads, no matter how the road is!

Isaiah 48:17

                “I am the Lord your God.  I teach you what is best for you.     

                                            I lead you where you should go.”                                                  

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Mid-Week Services

Starting next Wednesday, October 19th, our campus will begin having Wednesday evening services from 6PM-7PM, at the William Charles Lunalilo Center/Lunalilo Hale.  We invite all our KS ‘ohana and our community ‘ohana to come join us for a blessed time of worship, fellowship and sharing of God’s Word!

I hope to see you there and if there are any questions, please let me know.

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Let Your Forgiveness Flag Fly!

This month the 1st graders had a lesson about how Joseph forgave his brothers even when they treated him horribly.  They learned that when we forgive it strengthes our pilina with God and it helps us by letting go of all those yucky feelings like anger, hurt, hate, and sadness.  We also created “Forgiveness Flags” that help us to remember to forgive just as the Lord forgives us.  Flags are often representations of what’s important to us or a part of what we identify with.  With their flags, the students learned just how valuable being able to forgive or ask for forgiveness is.  Awesome job keiki!

Colossians 3:13“…Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

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Our First ‘Ekalesia of the Year

Philippians 2:2 “Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”

We had our first ‘Ekalesia of the school year on September 12.  All of our student speakers and leaders form the ES Ministry did an awesome job.  It’s not easy getting up in front of an audience!  We were blessed by Kahu’s message about Pilina and by how he made his lesson interactive! He demonstrated what pilina is by having the entire congregation move a large beach ball from one end of chapel to the other.  So simple, but we all got it!

Mahalo to Kumu Crabbe and Mrs. Debus for their kōkua, Kahu for his message,  Mrs. Chang for the pictures and video and to Kaila, Kanani, Eve, Wallace, Marche, Salesi, Keawe, and Pōmai for your service and kōkua!  Also mahalo to the Praise & Worship Team for your wonderful offering! (Click to watch the Praise & Worship Team present the song “Glorify Thy Name”)

By the way, haumāna, what do you remember about Kahu’s pilina message?

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