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Praise and Worship

To the Praise and Worship Team…please practice over the weekend for Monday’s Chapel Service! It’s a little different only because it’s being sung by adults rather than keiki, like our version, but it will help you to prepare.
Mahalo for your service and God bless you and your practice/worship time!

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Got Pilina?


In Ms. Fullerton’s class, the students were asked to answer her question as they entered the classroom for the day. It was a blessing and a gift to read their responses! I think Ke Ali’i Pauahi would also be proud of their perspective and understanding! Mahalo Ke Akua!

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Meet Our Keiki Kahu!


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It is my pleasure to introduce this year’s Keiki Kahu!  Carlos M. from Kumu Pai’s class has graciously agreed to be our Keiki Kahu!  Carlos is pono, ‘eleu, akamai, shows much aloha, na’auao and hō’ihi.  Most of all he has love and respect for the Lord.  All traits you would hope a Keiki Kahu would have.  We are very blessed to have Carlos serve our kula and lead the haumāna by pono example.

His first kuleana of the year was to do the welcome and call to worship at our All School Convocation today.  Public speaking is not easy and to be able to do that, in front of hundreds of students, faculty and staff, is no small feat.  Carlos did it with ha’aha’a and clarity! Maika’i loa!

Mahalo to Carlos and his mākua and ‘ohana for their support as we ask God to guide and cover Carlos this year!

“Serve the Lord with gladness…” Psalm 100:2

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Ministry is Starting Up!

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Wow! Today was our informational meeting for the Kula Ha’aha’a Ministry and there were about 70 students that showed up!  What a blessing!  Soon a letter will go home informing parents about what ministry is and what we do.  Looking forward to all that God has planned for us this year!

(Mahalo, Mrs. Chang, for the pictures!)

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Welcome Back!


Aloha mai kākou!  It’s another start to a blessed school year!  I hope all of you had a great summer full of fun, laughter, rest, and learning!  I pray that our Heavenly Father blesses each of us and guides us in all we do.  More importantly, I pray that we listen, follow, and obey His leading as he shows us how to live pono and live deep aloha each day!  May your year be full of great learning, strengthening of your pilina with others, and especially with God, and may there be peace and joy each day! ‘Āmene!

Proverbs 2:1-2

My child, listen to what I say,
    and treasure my commands.
Tune your ears to wisdom,
    and concentrate on understanding.

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“Light for my Path…”


Today the 5th graders were given Gideon Pocket Bibles that hold the entire New Testament and the book of Psalms and Proverbs.  Kahu Ruth came to offer words of encouragement to the haumāna, as well as to bless the Bibles and the students as they transition to Middle School.  It was wonderful to see many of you start reading the Bible as soon as you received it!

E nā haumāna o ka papa ‘elima, we pray that the Word of God will be a blessing to each of you and that you will find comfort, joy, guidance, wisdom, and understanding, as well as learn more of Jesus’ unending love and grace for each of you!

Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, “It is written, ‘Man doesn’t live only on bread. He also lives on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

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Ministry Team

ministry 2012-2013

Silly ministry 2012-2013

It has been such a huge blessing to have a wonderful group/team of haumāna that came to serve on the Ministry Team this year.  We had a total of 48 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders volunteer their time to serve at our monthly chapel services or to attend one of our many meetings to learn more about God and their pilina with Him.

Today we had our end-of-the-year lunch with Kahu Ruth.  Students had pizza, cake and lemonade, and shared what they learned this year.  Some responses included, “How much God loves me”, “How wisdom is not the same as being smart”, “Not just say you love someone, but show it”, and “How to make pono choices”.  Overall, there was lots of great mana’o being shared.

Mahalo to all of the students on the Ministry Team!  I am thankful for each of you and I pray that you continue to serve others as Jesus did!  Mahalo to all the mākua who allowed their keiki to be a part of a great team!

Psalm 100:2 “Serve the Lord with gladness…”

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What does it all mean?


Please listen carefully to the Voki on the right, then leave your comments below.  What do you think it might mean?  What connections do you have?  Are you wondering about anything?  Does it sound familiar to something you already know?  Be sure to think carefully and reflect upon what you learned this past school year in Christian Education.

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Huhū? What to do…




Students from 4B demonstrate, with a water balloon, how our angry actions, once out, cannot be put back.

Anger is an emotion that many, if not all, people feel from time to time. The 4th graders learned that although God knows that we will feel angry sometimes, He is very clear about managing our anger so we do not sin.  Students shared how anger can affect the people we love, those around us, ourselves and even property or belongings in very negative ways.  One haumana shared how our pono’ole actions, when we are angry, can affect things or people for a very long time too.  We discussed the latest current events in our world and how some of the stories directly related to someone committing a crime because of his anger.  Also, when we act out in anger, we cannot take that action back!  God teaches us through scripture how to manage anger and also to trust in Him and in His ways to deal with things that upset us.

We learned to pray, take deep breaths, count, walk away, or talk to someone when we feel angry.  All these techniques work when we are diligent and willing to be ha’aha’a and follow through with them, not allowing anger to control us, but being able to control ourselves.  That is called self-control, a Fruit of the Spirit.

Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”

Aloha mai no, aloha aku; o ka huhū ka mea e ola `ole ai- When love is given, love should be returned; anger is the thing that gives no life.

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 haili hui

This past Sunday, our former kahu, Wendell Davis, was the guest kahu at Haili Church, and he also shared the message that morning.  Amongst the many visitors that day, were our very own kula’s, Mrs. Rosehill, Mrs. Debus, Aunty Dannielle Iuta, and Mrs. Chaidez!  Kahu Gaymond Apaka was also there, as well as, many of the Haili ‘ohana.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship.

Kahu Davis’ message caused us to think about the type of “applause” we may be getting, and to ask ourselves these questions.  Is it more important, or valuable to get applause or praise from others or is it more valuable to get it from God?  In other words, do our actions please God, or are they just pleasing others or even just ourselves? When we get to know God better, and learn, believe and trust in His Word more, we realize that His approval is all that is necessary, because what the Lord approves of is pono.

2 Timothy 2:15                                                                                                                                Do your best to please God. Be a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed. Teach the message of truth correctly.


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