Kāhuli Conservation Lab

On Saturday,  July 14, 2012, a group of KES teachers and staff visited the Hawaiian Tree Snail Conservation Lab located at the University of Hawai‘i – Mānoa Campus. Dr. Mike Hadfield brought out rare specimens for viewing and shared fascinating information and stories about these native tree snails. What was even more interesting was the fact of how everyone “oohed and ahhed” as box after box was brought out, revealing the wide range of colors these tiny kāhuli come in!

Here is a video, taken by Alan Takano, of that huaka’i to the
Hawaiian Tree Snail Conservation Lab

Kahuli Snails from Alan Takano on Vimeo – 7/14/2012

CLICK HERE to experience our huaka’i to the Hawaiian Tree Snail Conservation Lab through this online slideshow. Images in this slideshow were taken by Alan Takano.

CHECK OUT the manaʻo of those who visited the Kāhuli Conservation Lab.

*** Want a particular image of a Kāhuli?
to go to KES’ Kāhuli Lab image gallery.

Here is a “talking ebook” on kāhuli snails that KES teachers, Ruby Redona and Loke Melchor, partnered on. They have authored 6 ebooks so far. All are based on Hawaiian birds, insects, and plants. The other ebooks can be accessed under the ‘NKAN Resources’ menu on this blog.

Clicking on the image above takes you to “The Kāhuli Snails” online ebook.

According to Hawaiian tradition, the kāhuli sing as they travel. Ever wonder if they really do?  View this video, which was taken at night, in its attempt to capture the song of the kāhuli.
Kāhuli Crawling at Night from Nate Yuen on Vimeo – November 2008, May 2009
For the hour or so that we video-taped the snails, no sounds were recorded from the snails.  Additionally, no audible noise was heard or recorded as the snails glided over the surface of leaves.” – Nate Yuen

Here is mele about the kāhuli calling out to the kōlea birds to bring them water from the akolea fern. Kahuli Aku Kahuli Mai (Click on AUDIO mp4 to listen to the mele)
Song Title: Kāhuli Aku, Kāhuli Mai
Text: Traditional (Clicking on “Traditional” takes you to the song text)
Musical Setting: Aunty Nona Beamer
Performer: Mahi Beamer

INVESTIGATING THE SINGING KĀHULI is a weblog that mentions the kāhuli in a well-known mele inoa for Queen Kapi’olani about the flowers, winds and places of Nu’uanu. Visit PACIFIC WORLDS – NUʻUANU to learn more about the mele inoa
“He Lei no Kapi‘olani”

View two other rare videos showing the kāhuli out in it’s natural habitat.

Kāhuli & Keiki in Native Forest from Nate Yuen on Vimeo – February 2012
“An adult and baby kāhuli crawl over olopua leaves in a native forest.”
– Nate Yuen

Spider Walks Over Kāhuli from Nate Yuen on Vimeo – January 2012
“A shy kāhuli crawls over an ʻōhiʻa trunk as a spider rudely tramples and startles the hapless tree snail.” 
– Nate Yuen

To read up on the adventures of Nate Yuen as he captures rare footage and images of Hawaiian flora and fauna in their natural habitat, visit his site, HawaiianForest.com

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