Freshmen Forum 3

A high school student created a word to describe his faith.  He said he’s “Apatheistic” – “Apa-” as in apathetic (don’t care) and “-theist”, one who believes in the existence of God.  He said it’s not about whether he believes or doesn’t believe, but rather he just doesn’t care whether God exists or not… why should he?  What could you say to someone like this young man?

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10 thoughts on “Freshmen Forum 3

  1. Alexa-Rhivers Villa

    Even though he does not care about his relationship with God, he will realize that God is actually the answer to every question and every problem in this world. Since he does not believe that God exists, I would actually talk to him that how much problems do you have in your life right now, and when he says he has alot, Im gonna tell him that having a relationship to Christ will make his situations solved because God is the answer. God is the person that shows us compassion.

  2. Nicole Nagamine

    I think that just because he doesn’t care about his relationship with God, nobody should push it apon him. When the time comes for him to open himself up to God, God will be there for him. So I think the best thing to tell him would be that when he’s ready to start opening up to God, he will be there.

  3. Daisy Aiwohi

    I know even though he doesn’t care about his relationship with God, he will come to find that they have a relationship with one another. Its okay that he dose not believe that God exists, because he can grow his faith in believing in something unseen. I have a lot of friends and we do not all live the same gospel standards and beliefs, but we still all have a love towards Christ. God shows us so much compassion and he is the greatest example of perfectness.

  4. Mika Kane

    I think it’s up to him on what he should think. No one should bother him or question him about his thought because thats how he chooses too see it. People shouldnt question other peoples beilief because everyone has their own beilef to things. I wouldnt say anything to him because if thats how he chooses to see things in his eyes, then just leave it.

  5. Pualalea Barrows

    I would probably understand this young man because I don’t expect everyone to have the same faith in God as I do. I actually have come to meet people like him in my lifetime and I’ve realized that they are kind and nice people, but I believe that the people who have some kind of relationship with God are always just a little happier than those without one. The reason why I feel that way is because when you have a relationship with God you will always and forever know that there is someone who will always be there for you. God is our heavenly parent and to not care about who he is or if he even exists is strange. People who dont have a realationship with God are missing out on pure happiness.

  6. Brenden Uemura-Asao

    You should care because when you are in trouble or in need of help he is there to help you. Now, not all the time will he give you an answer right away but, he will always hear you prayers, no doubt about it.

    Romans 10:9 says:
    If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    He is the only way to heaven. Yes, there is an after life either with God or down in hell. But god died and was crucified on a cross for your sins so that we may be forgiven. And you need faith to believe in God. Because you can’t see him but he is there! Be faithful in God and he will give you jewels in heaven.:)
    Matthew 25:23 sasy:
    “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

  7. Sean Segundo

    It isn’t that you shouldn’t care if God exists or not… it is if you believe he is God and his son Christ died for you. Apatheistic is what I used to be. I believed in God but not exactly care if he is real or not. But ever since I went to church I changed my understanding on Christ and God himself. It is because the love that he gave over us is stronger then whatever we think.

  8. Mikeila Yamamoto

    I think yes you should care if you believe in God or not. When you say you have faith in God or you believe in him your choosing a religion to follow God and when you make this decision it defines who you are. By choosing which ever path you choose your adding to your “DNA”. Your saying now that God is apart of me. So yes I think that it is very important to decide now if you have faith and believe in God and I have made the decsion to.

  9. Tiana Guerrero

    I think that it is very important to believe in God and care that he exists because there’s a difference between truly believing in God and thinking he exsist. To someone who has this feeling I would tell them to follow God and to care that he exsist because without him we would not have been forgiven all our sins by his own son giving up his life for us. I think that without God in your life you won’t be connected to a religion, belief, or higher power. Follow the power of God.

  10. kailoa akoi

    i think this boy should care about god existing. God provides us with so many oppertunities and someone simply not caring could loose those opptunities just as easy as he got it. Everyone should show an intrest in god, even if your busy you need to make time for god in your life.


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