HW for 11/4-7

Complete Comparing Microscopes in Google Classroom.

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HW for 11/2-3

  1. Click here to watch the Scale of Cells video. Complete the worksheet.
  2. Review how to use the microscope correctly video and procedures (in your notebook).
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HW for 10/31 & 11/1

  1. Complete How to Correctly Use the Microscope assignment. Go to Trimester 2, Microscope link, read the directions for watching the video and doing the assignment.
  2. Also Complete all missing work: My Classroom as a System, Virtual Microscope (Google Classroom), Microscope Flipped Lecture (Google Classroom).
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HW for 10/26-27

  1. Study Microscope Parts and Function worksheet. Oral QUIZ next class period. You must pass this summative with 100% in order for you to use the microscope! Requirements are: 1) Name all 14 parts   2) Say the function of 6 parts chosen by the teacher. You may retake but each time you retake, you lose 2 points.
  2. Complete Virtual Microscope in Google Classroom.
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HW for 10/24

On binder paper, write a paragraph describing how a classroom is a system. Your paragraph must name the input, output and at least 5 components (parts). Most importantly is the function of the parts and what they do to help achieve the goal (output) of the system.

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HW for 10/20-21

Study for Transpiration and pH Quiz. Notes to study: 1. Transpiration Big Idea (in notebook), 2. Transpiration Challenge – Background Information Section (worksheet), 3. Acids, Bases and pH Video (worksheet), 4. pH Virtual Lab – Background Information Section (worksheet).

                        Sample Test Questions: True or False

  1. The rate of Transpiration may be affected by environmental factors such as condensation, precipitation and evaporation.

2. The pH of bases are below 7.

3. Stomata are opening in leaves in which most liquid water enters the plant.


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HW for 10/18-19

  1. Complete Acid Rain and Importance of pH for Living Things worksheet.
  2. Study Transpiration and pH notes for Quiz on Monday (odd periods), Tuesday (even periods).
  3. Checkout Extra Credit Opportunity in Google Classroom – this is an optional assignment.
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HW for Fall Break


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HW for 10/4-5

  1. Complete pH Virtual Lab Worksheet.
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HW for 10/3

  1. Complete Transpiration Data Analysis Sheet
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