HW for 12/1-2

Complete Cell Theory and Discovery of Microscope Worksheet (Day 1)

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Virus Presentations are POSTPONED!

Virus presentations for this week have been postponed to next week. We will start presenting next Tuesday, December 9 and end Friday, December 12.

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Coming Next Week



See the 2014 Conference Program Book at the Virus link.


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HW for 11/25-26


1. Virus presentations begin on Thursday, December 11th for odd periods and Friday, December 12th for even periods.

2. On the day presentations begin for your class, ALL students must wear their SCHOOL UNIFORM to school, bring a set of dress clothes for the presentation and change at the beginning of class. Everyone will shed their role as a student and become an expert on a virus.

3. ALL requirements for this project can be found in your google 2014-15 Science folder. See Viral Diseases parts 1, 2 and 3.

4. Preparation at Home – For extra credit points, practice your presentation at home in front of your parent or an adult at least 3 times. Have your parent/adult and you complete the Virus Presentation Practice Evaluation form on Mr. Kaaaʻs blog. Go to blog then click on the virus link then click on the word “here” at the Practice Evaluation form.

5. You may use 2 – 3 inch by 5 inch index cards with notes during your presentation. Prepare this at home. You will not have time to do this on presentation days.

6. If you were absent on Tuesday or Wednesday (Nov. 25, 26), you must add a slide 4 to your virus presentation. Slide 4 must contain the answer to the question: How has learning about viruses (in general) impacted you?

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” – John Wooden

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HW for 11/21-24

1. Complete Slides – Eliminate unnecessary words (the, of, etc.), Use only the most important words. See slide requirements and rubric

2. Practice Presentation – See oral presentation rubric

All requirements and directions for Virus Diseases (Parts 1, 2 and 3) can be found in your google 2014-15 Science class folder.

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HW for 11/19 -20

Work on virus slides

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HW for 11/17-18

Study for virus/immune system quiz on Wednesday (odds) and Thursday (evens). Part 1 of quiz will be multiple choice. Part 2 of quiz will be to make a line chart.

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HW for 11/13-14

1. Review virus attachment and multiplication steps. Quiz next week.

2. Complete chart of % Native Hawaiian Population from 1853 – 1896. Make spreadsheet in google science folder. Name spreadsheet: % Native Hawaiian Population. Insert a bar or line chart. Give the chart a chart title and name the vertical and horizontal axis.

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HW for 11/3-4


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HW for 10/28-29

Complete ebola outbreak data worksheet. For help, look in your google science folder. Open the 2014-15 Science Folder. Read the Range, Mean, Median, Mode document for help to complete data questions.

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