VTAM Test and VTAM Test Retake – Now till Feb. 28th

For those who did not take the VTAM test the first time and those who wish to retake the test, please do the following:

Go to Mr. Courtotʻs blog and watch the test answers, review & retake password video. Then go to blackboard (like you did when taking the original test) and do Waʻa Test number 3. Last day for retake is Friday, Feb. 28.

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Tuesday & Wednesday, Feb. 10 & 11

Click here to view Importance of Canoes with Sails.

HW – Complete Sail Design

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Monday, Feb. 9 – After Finishing your VTAM Quiz, Do the Following

TASK: Complete a Reflection sheet for each ePortfolio evidence. You have 3 evidence so you will complete a total of 3 reflections.

1. Log into your ePortfolio and into your science site. You should have 3 pieces of evidence in there. They are:

EVIDENCE 1 (3 pieces) – Polar/Nonpolar (front image), Polar / Nonpolar (back image) and Polar / Nonpolar Lab Paragraph.

EVIDENCE 2 (3 pieces) – Water Drop Worksheet (front image), Water Drop Worksheet (back image), Water Drop Experiment Conclusion Paragraph.

EVIDENCE 3 – Virus Slide Presentation

For each evidence, complete ONE reflection sheet.

2. When in the science page in your ePortfolio, go to the Help link and: 1. copy a Goal reflection sheet on to your drive, 2. Complete the reflection for evidence 1 then insert it or link it after the polar/nonpolar lab paragraph on your science page. Continue do do the same for your evidence 2 and 3. By the end of the period, you should have all 3 reflection sheets inserted or linked after each evidence.

Use your knowledge of doing this in your other classes to help you complete it.

HOMEWORK: After completing your reflections, click on the following link Naming Hokuleʻa , read the article and follow the instructions for the homework. If link does not work, look in your 2014-15 Science Class Folder for the article.

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Last Day in VTAM – Finish Strong Kalai Waʻa

Get it done! ʻAma and iako attached to the kaʻele, paepae attached to the kia, we are done!

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VTAM quiz next class……………………………

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VTAM Quiz / Waʻa Construction Checkpoint this Week

The final VTAM quiz will be this Friday (odds) and Next Monday (evens). Please prepare by doing the practice problems on Mr. Courtotʻs blog.

Your waʻa will be checked at the end of this week for completeness. You may work on finishing your waʻa during both recesses, before school (7:15) or Waikaulele (with Mr. Courtotʻs signature), if Mr. Courtot is in the lab. See below for requirements.

Waʻa Construction Checkpoint Requirements (30 pts):

1. ʻAma, iako and kaele all attached (glued and pegged), hole for kia drilled into kaʻele – 20 pts

2. Kia and paepae attached (glued and tied). Need not be glued to kaʻele yet – 10 pts

NOTE: The peʻa (sail) and lashings will be done in the science classroom next week. At this point, you do not need a hoe. It will be done later.


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Waʻa – Day 10 – Last Days in VTAM, Get it Done

Last days in VTAM will be this week: Wednesday for odd periods and Thursday for evens. Iako and ʻama need to be attached (glued) to the kaʻele. Kia and paepae need to be attached to each other. If needed, you may work on these tasks during recess or study hall (waikaulele) if Mr. Courtot is in VTAM.


The peʻa (sail) will be attached next week in the science classroom.

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Waʻa – Day 8-9 Almost Done!

With kaʻele, ama and ʻiako done, the next step is to attach them together. We have one more day in the lab. Use your time wisely!

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Waʻa – Day 7

HOMEWORK – Watch Videos 5 and 6 on Mr. Courtotʻs blog.

With blueprints turned in, completing and attaching the kaʻele, ama and ʻiako is the focus for the next class.


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Waʻa Parts Quiz Make-up Option

Check your score for the waʻa parts quiz on KS Connect. All students who received a score of 6 and below, can see Mr. Courtot for the make-up option before Tuesday (1/27) to better your score. The maximum points given for the make-up option is 7.

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Waʻa – Day 6

HW – 1. Watch video 5 (making your ama and ʻiako)    2. Complete Waʻa Blueprint. Due next class.

Students almost done with shaping and sanding the kaʻele.



Other students were starting the waʻa blueprint.



NEXT STEP: Making the ama and ʻiako.

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