HW for 3/24 – 25

1. Complete Cell Size and Scale Worksheet

2. Study Cheek Cell Lab Sheet

3. If you did the cell extra credit assignment, email Mr. Kaaa and tell him that the assignment is in your google science folder.


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HW for 3/23 (even periods)

1. Complete Cell Analogy.

2. Email Mr. Kaaa to tell him that you did the extra credit assignment (so he can look for it in your google science folder).

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HW for 3/11-12

Check KS Connect and complete all Missing Work and turn in on or before this Friday.

See the Cells/Microscope page (in menu above) for an Extra Credit opportunity.

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HW for 3/9-10 Study for Quiz, Complete Paragraph

Complete a Cell is like a city paragraph. See details on Cell/Microscope page in menu above.

Study “e” lab worksheet for QUICK QUIZ next class. Know information on that worksheet and how to use the microscope.

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HW for 3/5-6 Complete Animal Cell Brochure – Due 3/9-10

See Animal Cell Brochure Requirements in the Cell/Microscope page (on the top menu). Use the Cell Parts and Function paragraph for the left column of the brochure. We did this for Journal Write on Tuesday and Wednesday. The List for the middle section should be on the same document. The title, your name and period and the animal must be hand-written and drawn.


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HW for 3/3 – 4 Prepare for Quiz

STUDY Cell Parts and Function Worksheet. QUIZ this Thursday (odds), Friday (evens). Extra Credit: Make flash cards with all cell part names on one side and function on the other for 5 extra credit points. Show Mr. Kaaa before before taking the quiz.

Sample Quiz Question: I am known as the “fence.” I control what enters and exits the cell. Who am I?    a. cytoplasm     b. nuclear membrane     c. ribosomes     d. cell membrane

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HW for 2/27 and 3/2

Study Cell Parts and Function Sheet. You may also use the following link to help you study.

Click here for cell study link (do the Tutorial, Game and Quiz).

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HW for 2/25 – 26

Study microscope parts and function. Oral Quiz on Friday (odds) and Monday (evens). See Mr. Kaaa for microscope worksheet.

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Reminders – Late Work

Waʻa Sail Design and Waʻa Name assignments are now late. If you did the assignments but did not put your name on it or did not name it correctly it will be marked as missing! Email Mr. Kaaa to tell him you are done with the assignment if it is late!

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Naming Hokuleʻa Homework (Waʻa Name HW)

Click here and read the Naming Hokuleʻa articles. Homework assignment is at the end of the article.

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