HW for 9/1-2

Complete Graphs (hand drawn and Excel) for Water Drop Experiment

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HW for 8/31

PERIOD 1 – Complete Background Information for Water Drop Experiment. Read Procedures


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HW for 8/27

Have a great 3 day weekend!

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HW for 8/25-26

Complete Background Information of Water Drop Experiment. Read Procedures. Be prepared to do the lab next class period.

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HW for 8/24

Complete Polar/Nonpolar (m&m) Worksheet

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HW for 8/21


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HW for 8/19-20

Complete Water Properties Virtual Lab Worksheet (see Trimester 1 – Water Properties page.

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HW for 8/17-18

Read Water Molecule worksheet. Follow directions on sheet.

Just in case, if you lost it. Click here for Water Molecule worksheet.

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HW for Friday, 8/14 (odd periods only)


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HW for 8/12-13

Click here for Waiwai – Hawaiian perspective of wealth article.

Read the Waiwai – Hawaiian Perspective of Wealth article. Then write a paragraph describing your definition of wealth on binder paper. Your paragraph must contain: 1) a topic or lead sentence, 2) a conclusion or closing sentence, 3) at least 5 details that describe your meaning of wealth (waiwai), 4) at least 8 sentences.

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