Category Archives: Class News

Wa’a Project – Day 6

Students are at the end of shaping their Ka’ele (hull). They started on designing the ama and ‘iako. They also began a scale drawing of their wa’a.IMG_4529 IMG_4530 IMG_4534 IMG_4538 IMG_4539

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Wa’a Project – Day 5

Students continue to make their initial cuts on the hull. They also learned to calculate the length of several canoe parts based on the length of their hull. Starting today, students are required to do a wa’a journal (reflection) for everyday they are in VTAM. Each reflection is a summative worth 10 points.

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Wa’a Project – Day 4

Students using the ban saw to make initial rough cuts.


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Wa’a Project – Day 3

This year, students were given a block of wood to create a wa’a kaukahi (single-hulled canoe). After watching a video tutorial on how to start the project, students began marking their cut lines for the hull of the canoe.






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Wa’a Project – Day 2

Today, students continued practice on using the architect’s scale and calculating proportions. One goal of this project is to create a scale model of the canoe, Kamali’i a Pauahi.


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Wayfinders Are We! Day 1

Today is the first day of our canoe project. HOMEWORK for today is:

1. Get parent signature on VTAM Contract (sign front and back)

2. Watch video (on Mr. Courtot’s blog): “How to shape your kuamo’o”

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Animal Cell Parts Quiz – Preparation Tips

1. Make a list of all animal cell parts (spelling counts)

2. Say the names of the parts (sound out each syllable)

3. Draw the cell and label each part (make sure the line to label part is on the correct part)

4. Have someone quiz you on spelling (give them list of cell parts and you spell it)

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Homework for 11/26-27

1. Practice drawing and labeling animal cell

2. Complete missing assignments

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Water Drop Experiment – Background Information HW

For the BACKGROUND INFORMATION section, find and write the definition of the following words on binder paper. Liquid. Gas. Solid. Gravity. Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion.

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Complete golf ball catcher design (drawing). Be prepared to share design.

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