Category Archives: Class News

HW for 8/18-19

Read Waiwai – Hawaiian Perspective of Wealth. Complete Homework on back of sheet.

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HW for 8/14-15

Write a paragraph describing ONE activity you did in science class last year. On binder paper. See paragraph requirements in your notebook.

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Homework for 8/12-13

Write a paragraph describing your favorite song. On binder paper.

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Homework for 8/11

1. Bring a favorite Song (lyrics or play song on phone/player or CD)

2. Be prepared to share song and 3 reasons why it is a favorite

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Welcome to 7th Grade!

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Monday, May 19 – Even Periods

Tuesday, May 20 – Odd Periods

Final Test will be on Native Hawaiian Forest Plants  (Hapuu, Ohia, Iliahi and Hala).

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Quiz on Forest Layers

Even periods – Monday (May 5)

Odd periods – Tuesday (May 6)

Study Forest Layers Diagram – Can you name all the layers, give a few facts about each layer and name 3 Hawaiian plants in each layer?

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QUIZ on Water Cycle, Transpiration and Forest

Even periods quiz this Thursday, Odd periods quiz this Friday!

Hahai nō ka ua i ka ulula‘au – “The rain follows the forest.” This ‘Olelo No‘eau describes what our ancestors observed about the forest. Can you explain (in a paragraph) why the rain follows the forest using the information you have learned in science class? Practice this!

Can you draw a diagram explaining this? Practice this!

Review the paragraph and diagram rubrics in your Shared With Me Google folder – 2013-14 Science Grade 7 Folder.

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Transpiration Quiz this Thursday and Friday – Practice Now!

Sample Questions:

1. This allows oxygen to exit the plant. 2. Strong winds increases this process. 3. If this part is thin, transpiration increases. 4. This transports water in the plant. 5. Water diffuses through this to enter the plant.


1. stomata    2. transpiration    3. cuticle    4. xylem    5. roots

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Waa Project – Day 7

Ka‘ele shaping is done so energy is being focused on making the ama, ‘iako and kia. IMG_4531 IMG_4532


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