Category Archives: Class News

HW for 9/17-18

My Relationship with the Ocean

In your science folder, create a new document and name it My Ocean Relationship. Think about all the things you do for or in the ocean and all the things the ocean does for you. Then type a paragraph (at least 8 sentences) about the relationship you have with the ocean. Use  at least one of the relationship words to describe your relationship with the ocean. Explain why it is competition, commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, predation.

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HW for 9/15-16

On binder paper, define the following relationship words: competition, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism and predation.

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HW for 9/11-12


Create a document in your science folder. Name it WDE Conclusion. Type the following using your data from the Water Drop Experiment.

1)   PARAGRPH 1– At least 8 sentences.

In a paragraph, describe what you observed. Use your data table for this section and give specific examples using your average for each height and describe how the drops looked at each height. Do not explain why you observed it.


2)   PARAGRAPH 2 – At least 10 sentences. Answer the question: What effect does drop height have on water drop splatter size?

Describe the following in this paragraph. 1) Restate your hypothesis and comment if it matches your observations. Using AT LEAST 5 background information words (liquid, solid, gravity, Newton’s 1st and 3rd Laws, surface tension, hydrogen bond  or acceleration) explain why the splatter drops increased or decreased as height increased. Do not define the background information words. Use it to explain what happened to the water drop.


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HW for 9/9-10

Complete definitions for all Background Information words on Water Drop Experiment (WDE) worksheet.


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HW for 9/4-5

Create a document in your google docs science folder. Name it: Polar Nonpolar Lab

Using your observations from the polar or non polar lab, type a paragraph answering the experimental question: What effect does water, alcohol and mineral oil have on the outer coat of an M & M? Paragraph must be at least 10 sentences and contain detail observations. Also include statement on why those effects happened.

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HW for 9/2 – 3

Copy and paste the address below into your browser. Read the article about surface tension. In your science notebook, write a definition for surface tension.

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HW for 8/26-27

Type in the address below and read why water is called the “universal solvent” and why salt dissolves in it. Do some research on your own and in your notebook, make a list of at least 7 compounds that dissolve in water.

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Week 2 Review

This week we began studying the properties of water. Students made a water molecule from recycled materials and did a lab on polar and non polar molecules.



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HW for 8/22-25


1. Go to the virtual lab link (See below). Click on, What are some properties of water?

2. Read the paragraphs in the left column. Read the Procedures on how to do the virtual lab. Complete all 7 steps.

3. On binder paper,  answer the following questions (in complete sentences) after  completing all procedures.

  1. Water is often called the ‘universal solvent’ because it can dissolve more substances than any other liquid. Explain how the polarity of the water molecule makes this possible.
  2. Describe the arrangement of water molecules in solid, liquid and gas form. How does the movement of the molecules differ in each form? Describe the bonds when the molecules are in the motion.

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HW for 8/20-21


TASK:  Create a water molecule model using recycled materials.


  1. MATERIALS: Model must be made from recycled materials (paper, tape, foam, cardboard, chop stick, paper clip, etc.) from home.
  2. SIZE:   Completed model must be able fit in your 2 palms (about 7 inches tall and wide). Oxygen must be bigger than Hydrogen atoms.
  3. COLOR: Oxygen must be a different color than Hydrogen atoms (both Hydrogen atoms must be same color).
  4. BONDS: Oxygen must be connected/attached securely to Hydrogen atoms at an angle similar to your drawing in your notebook.
  5. LABEL:  Label the Oxygen atom with an O and the Hydrogen atom with an H.
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