Category Archives: Class News

Waʻa Scaled Blueprint DUE Monday (evens) and Tuesday (odds)

Use your time wisely and divide your kuleana. Your scaled drawing of your waʻa is due on Monday (1/26) for even periods and Tuesday (1/27) for odd periods. Your blueprints will be assessed using the following checklist:

Your completed waʻa blueprint is a SUMMATIVE worth 35 points and must contain the following:

MATH (10 pts) – ALL math equations and calculations for finding the ʻama, ʻiako and kia length on back of paper.

SCALE (2 pts) – What scale is your waʻa drawn in.

LABELED WAʻA PARTS (7 pts) – Hawaiian name of required waʻa parts.

KULEANA (2 pts) – Name of person who will make/made that part (next to part name).

MEASUREMENTS (7 pts) – Actual measurement (in inches) of kaʻele, ama, ʻiako and kia length.

DETAIL (2 pts) – Waʻa parts and equations are clearly drawn/written and labeled.

ORGANIZATION (5 pts) – Layout of drawing neatly organized.


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QUIZ on waʻa parts next class. Study the your waʻa parts sketch in your notebook or use the sites on Mr. Courtotʻs blog.


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Waʻa Parts / Waʻa Blueprint Requirements

List of parts that you must have on your waʻa (REQUIRED) and parts that you can make if there is extra time (OPTIONAL):


  1. Kaʻele (kuamoʻo)
  2. Peʻa
  3. Kia
  4. Paepae
  5. ʻIako
  6. Hoe
  7. Lashing (aha hoa waʻa)


  1. Manu ihu
  2. Manu hope
  3. Pola
  4. Nohona
  5. Hale o ka waʻa

 Waʻa Blueprint Requirements 

  1. Drawing of the TOP VIEW of your waʻa
  2. Drawing of the SIDE VIEW of your waʻa
  3. LABEL the Hawaiian names of all waʻa parts with the name of the person who made it next to it
  4. LABEL the REAL LENGTH (inches) of the waʻa parts
  5. NOTE the SCALE used to complete drawing (1/4 = 1”, 3/8 = 1” or 1/2 = 1”)
  6. MATH used to show proportion of: ama to kaele, iako to ama, kia to kaele

Foyer waʻa measurements (real) are:

Kaele: 26.5 ft.

Ama: 11.7 ft.

Iako: 10 ft.

Kia: 18.7 ft.

Use these lengths to determine the

length of your ama, iako and kia

X(model) = model

real           real

in this equation, model is your waʻa

real is the measurement of foyer waʻa







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Waʻa Day 4

HW – Watch Video 3 on Mr. Courtotʻs  blog and learn Hawaiian names for canoe parts (waʻa sketch in your science notebook).


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Waʻa – Day 3

HW – Continue to watch videos so you know what to do before class. Videos 2 and 3.

After drawing their lines, groups made their first cuts for the kaʻele.

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Clean up is an important!

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Waʻa – Day 2

Todayʻs topics included: Scale Measurement Practice, Lab Safety Quiz, Selecting a Kaʻele, Sketch of Waʻa Parts and Kuleana for who will be making each part.

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HW for 1/7-8 – Waʻa Day 2

Watch Video #2 at Mr. Courtotʻs Blog (How to cut your kuamoʻo).

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Waʻa Day 1 – Practicing Measuring and Scale Drawings

Today we practiced using the architectʻs scale. We will use it to make a scale drawing of our waʻa.

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“Without the waʻa there would be no Hawaiian people.” Waʻa – Day 1 HW for 1/5-6

We begin 2015 by constructing a single-hull canoe in VTAM. You be the expert in canoe building – Na Kalai Waʻa. As part of your preparation to become na kalai waʻa, you must do the homework! Please watch the assigned videos BEFORE coming to class. There may be a quiz about the video at the beginning of the next class. All videos are located in Mr. Courtotʻs blog. Todayʻs homework is:

1. Have parent Read and Sign Safety Contract  

2. Watch Video #1 (How to design your kuamoʻo) at least 3 times before coming to class (All videos are located at Mr. Courtotʻs blog).

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NAAV Conference Ends

After 3 days and 107 featured presenters, the 2014 Conference on Infectious Diseases came to an end. Students reflected on the good things about the presentations and also ways to improve. Congratulations to all presenters!






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