Covenantal Relationships

United Church of Christ

Kamehameha Schools is a historically related institution of the United Church of Christ.  This standing connects our school to the group which sent over missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands in 1820- the American Board of Commissioner’s for Foreign Missions.  It was through their efforts that many of the ali’i became Christians and learned to read and write.  The ali’i encouraged the people to become Christians and the number the churches grew.  They grew so much that the missionaries could not provide enough pastors to lead the churches.  They encouraged the Hawaiians to raise up young Hawaiian men to become the leaders of the churches.  These young men organized themselves into the Hawaiian Evangelical Association, which later became the Hawaii Conference, United Church of Christ.

Association of Hawaiian Evangelical Churches

In addition, Kamehameha Schools is a covenantal relationship with the Association of Hawaiian Evangelical Churches.

Goals of the Covenantal Relationship

  1. KS will develop at least one deputation team from each campus which will be available to local churches to lead worship and demonstrate servant leadership.  This would demonstrate to the local church that youth can be a contributing member to the worship experience.
  2. Support the local churches by providing opportunities for the students to demonstrate servant leadership to their church and home communities.  KS will assist the student in developing the projects.
  3. Encourage pastors of the local churches to be a part of our ministry to our children by serving as resources for our Chapels and Christian Education classes.
  4. KS will make its facilities available for AHEC functions, provided they do not conflict with KS events/functions.

Aha ‘O Nā Mokupuni o Maui, Moloka’i a me Lāna’i

The Maui campus is also in a covenantal relationship with the Aha ‘O Nā Mokupuni o Maui, Moloka’i a me Lāna’i or Tri-Isle Association (TIA).

Goals of the Covenantal Relationship

  1. KSM will develop at least one deputation team which will be available to local churches to lead worship and demonstrate servant leadership.  This would demonstrate to the local church that youth can be a contributing member to the worship experience.
  2. Support the local churches by providing opportunities for the students to demonstrate servant leadership to their church and home communities.  KSM will assist the student in developing the projects.  Examples of service learning activities are: serving dinner at Ka Hale A Ke Ola, making care baskets for shut-ins, cleaning church members yards, etc.
  3. Encourage pastors of the local churches to be a part of our ministry to our children by serving as resources for our Chapels and Christian Education classes.
  4. KSM will make its facilities available for TIA functions, provided they do not conflict with KSM events/functions.

Christian Colleges

Kamehameha Schools seeks to develop students who will continue to develop and live out their faith after graduating from our campuses.  To foster this growth, Kamehameha Schools has developed relationships with a number of Christian Colleges who seek students our KS’ caliber to be the developed as leaders who will serve God in the world.

These colleges/universities include but are not limited to:

  • Azusa Pacific University-
  • Westmont College-
  • Grand Canyon University-

To learn more about these relationships or to find out about these schools, please see Kahu.


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