Category Archives: Period 2

Period 2

Pō‘ahā, 12 Ianuali 2017

Class Focus:

  • Review and correct homework assignment from Monday 1/9  pepeke `aike he – practice 1 copy
  • Lesson: Breaking down the pattern Pepeke ʻAike He Equational pattern and learning about word types and parts of a sentence
  • Time on book project
  • Test on Pule Lanakila


  1. Homework Assignment due next class Wed 1/13 Pepeke `aike he – practice 2 copy
  2. 2 Photoshop pictures due Wed 1/18
  3. Electronic Book due Friday 1/20
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Period 2

Pō‘alua, 10 Ianuali 2017

Class Focus:

  • Lesson: Pepeke ʻAike He Equational pattern (…is a … am a … are a)
  • Time on book project


  1. Homework Assignment due next class Wed 1/11 pepeke `aike he – practice 1 copy
  2. 2 Photoshop pictures due Wed 1/18
  3. Electronic Book due Friday 1/20
  4. Pule Lanakila Due next class Thurs 1/12
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Period 2

Pō‘alima, 16 Kēkēmapa 2016

Class Focus:

  • Correct homework assignment: Departure Time Table
  • Activity: Adding pictures to summative book project (My Long Day)
  • Lesson: Drawing digitized pictures for book project


  1. No homework, enjoy your break!!
  2. Summative Test postponed  Pule Lanakila (20 summative pts)
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Period 2

Pō‘alua, 14 Kēkēmapa 2016

Class Focus:

  • Review scores from iMovie summative project
  • Lesson: Periods of the day (kakahiaka, awakea, ʻauinalā, etc)
  • Connecting your knowledge: Adding periods of the day to 10 sentences for book project


  1. Add 10 translated sentences to template for book project
  2. Departure Time Table Departure Time Table
  3. Pule Lanakila Due: Friday 12/16
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Period 2

Pō‘akahi, 12 Kēkēmapa 2016

Class Focus:

  • Correct homework: Departure Time Table Departure Time Table
  • Return all assignments, organize Hawaiian language folder
  • Lesson: Continuing the summative book project (My Long Day)


  1. 10 sentences of my long day (translate) Due: next class Wed 12/14
  2. Pule Lanakila Due: Thurs 12/16
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Period 2

Pō‘ahā 8 Kēkēmapa 2016

Class Focus:

  • Correct homework:pepeke-painuhelu-manawa
  • Review: Pule Lanakila
  • Lesson: Receiver of Action
  • Introduction of summative Book project: My Long Day


  1. Receiver of Action Due: Next class 12/9 receiver-of-action
  2. Pule Lanakila Due: Friday 12/16
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Period 2

Pō‘alua, 6 Kēkēmapa 2016

Class Focus:

  • Bell Assignment: Review of the Action pattern (Pepeke Painu)
  • Correct homework  ka-helu-manawa-yana-3-copy
  • Lesson: Combining patterns (Action + Time)
  • Pule Lanakila


  1. Pepeke Painu/Helu manawa pepeke-painuhelu-manawa Due: Next class 12/8
  2. Pule Lanakila Due: Friday 12/16
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Period 2

Pō‘akolu, 30 Nowemapa 2016

Class Focus:


  1. Helu Manawa #3 ka-helu-manawa-yana-3-copy
  2. Piece together iMovie
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Period 2

Pō‘akahi, 28 Nowemapa 2016

Class Focus:


  1. Record and finished voice over narration
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Period 2

Pō‘akahi, 7 Nowemapa 2016

Class Focus:

  • All Classes in VTAM room
  • Prepping for huakaʻi next week
  • Integrated huakaʻi lesson: Cutting niu and removing meat
  • Cleaning ʻōpelu prepping for drying


  1. Take home ʻapu and finish sanding. View video on how and where to sand
  2. See VTAM blog for other videos
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