Monday Reading With Burley 5th 302

Created by our friends at Burley 5th 302.  See what they are reading in class today…post a comment below and also tweet what you’re reading to a specific student 🙂  Happy reading 5th graders across the world! for http://


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Ohana Alert: Week in Our FISH!Bowl

Another week has flown by…and the FISH! are swimming strong to the finish…the finish of 2014 that is!  Here’s a glimpse of some of the exciting things we have been doing…

We began our week with our Christmas Convocation, where some of our 5B keiki shared a skit on the spirit of Christmas.  They worked so hard to memorize their lines and did a wonderful job on the great stage of Lunalilo Hale! (Click on photos to get a better view) 🙂

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The students even got a special visit from CEO Wong, Trustee Wilhemn, & our Poʻo Kula Dr. Stender in our classroom after.  Dr. Stender posed with our newest FISH! Sebastian!  So cool!  So Special! image

Genius Hour ➗ 2 #3 is in the bank!  The projects are impressive! See the post soon on the great work students do when researching their passion!  They also worked on using Picsart to create a fab QR code to share about themselves for our Chicago friends at Burley 302.  We canʻt wait to continue our connection with them across the ocean! We also worked on our persuasive technique in writing.  Weʻll be learning  about Powtoon with Miss Galang on in the upcoming week too.

Mahalo Ke Aliʻi Pauahi

Mahalo Ke Aliʻi Pauahi

The FISH! will be continuing their song practice in music class on all songs for Founderʻs Day.  Heads up…Mrs. Debus will be giving a huge test on it on Monday. Know the words! The team will also be representing Kula Haʻahaʻa on Founderʻs Day by sharing Ke Aliʻi Pauahiʻs moʻokuauhaʻo.  Please practice as it is an HONOR and our way to MAHALO our Princess for all the blessing she has bestowed on us!

Donʻt forget, dress whites are MANDATORY on Fri., Dec. 19th as the whole campus honors our Founder at Koʻaiʻa Gym at 9:00am.  It is also an early release day, 11:15am.

Math has been a blast & students are having a great time working in teams with Miss Shonnie, Mrs. Hara, Mrs. Isabel, and of course me.  They are also sharing their learning with each other as we looked at student exemplars to identify math strategies used to solve problems!   See below for a glimpse into our math lessons & identified how problems are solved in many different ways!

Learning Together!

Learning Together!

Lastly, in the season of giving & Christmas,  the 5B FISH! launched “Project Kahiau” today!  After having much class discussion & brainstorming on what weʻd do, the students finalized their plan!  They decided on who they would give their special Santa to.  They each selected a person who makes a difference in our community, someone who has impacted their lives & the lives of others in a positive way, someone who emulates “kahiau,” or someone who may just be in need of knowing that “they MATTER” in our world!  The FISH! will be going out into our community to mahalo someone special with their Santa (see below as our classroom turned into Santaʻs Workshop) and documenting it with photos and video which they will turn into a presentation to share with everyone!  This will be all due on Thurs., Dec. 18th.  Have your photos & videos on your iPads!

24 Students + 24 mahalos + 24 warm hearts=1 Better World!

Our FISH!Bowl turns into Santaʻs Workshop

Our FISH!Bowl turns into Santaʻs Workshop

The students had a blast making their gifts in class!  The glue guns were humming as everyone focused on making the most beautiful Santas filled with sweet treats to Make Someoneʻs Day!  Mahalo Aunty Niki for helping us cut all the pieces & to the 13 families who generously donated to fill it!  We so appreciate all you did to make this a success!  All the smiles below say it all!

Here we come, Hilo!

Here we come, Moku o Keawe!


All Santas made w/love, filled w/joy, & ready to change our world!

All Santas made w/love, filled w/joy, & ready to change our world!

Hope you enjoyed our pictoral journey of the week & info for the upcoming one! Christmas   Break is from Dec. 22-Jan. 4….School begins on Monday, Jan. 5th as a Day 5!  Wishing you all a Happy Holidays!   Enjoy the season with Ohana!  See you next year…in 2015!

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5B FISH! Launch Project Kahiau



5B FISH! Launch Project Kahiau from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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KSH Welcomes CEO Wong and Trustee Wilhelm to Kea’au

We Welcome our CEO, Trustee, and Po'o Kula

We Welcome our CEO, Trustee, and Po’o Kula

Today was a special day for the keiki of Kula Ha’aha’a as they welcomed our new CEO Wong and Trustee Wilhelm on the Kea’au, Hawai’i campus!  The beautiful winter’s day began with convocation & continued with visits to the classrooms (led by our Po’o Kula Dr. Stender) to meet and talk with haumåna.  Students were so excited to share their Genius Hour projects with the group of dignitaries and of course, take a group photo!  Think they might still be here in our classroom not for having to dash to the airport! 🙂  Mahalo to all who tirelessly work for the keiki of Kamehameha Schools-Hawai’i!  We hope you enjoyed your visit!  I Mua 5B FISH!, I Mua KSH, I Mua Kamehameha!  Happy Monday!

5B FISH! with our Special Guests

5B FISH! with our Special Guests

In our FISH!Bowl

In our FISH!Bowl

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Morning Message for Mon., Dec. 8

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 8.56.37 PM

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Reminder from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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5B FISH! Presents…”Christmas At The Movies!”

Priceless…That’s the only word that comes to mind when watching the 5B FISH! take the stage during our Christmas Concert “Christmas at the Movies” one last time during the holidays…Watch the video to catch the highlights of this “one for the memory books” moment!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Dec. 8-12

Hi All,

Decided to change this weekly post up a bit to not duplicate information that you get about our class!  I know that our PTO reps are “on it” and share the calendared info with you through email so, wanted to share the exciting things that the students are doing in class with you instead!  Iʻm sure that youʻll appreciate knowing all about the innovative, creative, & exciting learning that your child does in class.  See the priceless moments in class below!

Keahiʻs newsroom!

Keahiʻs newsroom!

Full view of the newsroom!

Full view of the newsroom!

The students have been hard at work on their Genius Hour ➗ 2 presentations #3 (approx. 5 hours in class given, countless hours at home, and the last 45 mins. of class time on Mon., Dec. 8) to bank their presentation on their “Pops of Genius!”  It is due tomorrow!  Keahi was very innovative in using the rolling bookshelf to help him “rig” a mini recording studio!  Go Keahi!  Stay tuned for all the Genius in 5B in a future post!

Kamron volunteers for sharing on Mouse & Cheese!

Kamron volunteers for sharing on Mouse & Cheese!

Cade & Makana share ipad tip on stop motion/elapse time video making

Cade & Makana share ipad tip on stop motion/elapse time video making

The students also take turns during our Morning Meetings to share their interests!  Sometimes its funny, sometimes it a new trick on an app, sometimes its information, but everytime it builds class pilina.  Students volunteer to share and then entertain questions from the audience.  During this time, weʻve learned that mice really donʻt like cheese, how to make a stop motion, where we can get free ebooks, how to play Crossy Road, and much, much more!

Kaulana sharing where to find ebooks!

Kaulana sharing where to find ebooks!

They also have collaborated in teams to answer the essential question of “How is the current lava flow impacting the Big Island” (see previous post on their final work…click on the “hotspots” to see the learning!)  Students also continue to work on completing 7 IXL skills for this month.  It is due on the 18th.  IXL time is incorporated into homework.



Teaming to Accomplish!

Teaming to Accomplish!

Go Team!

Go Team!






So much great moments in class…all the while students are focued on the Hawaiian value Aʻo (to teach, to learn, to instruct) for this trimester!  We celebrate our newest Hāweo members at our monthly celebration which will be on Wed., Dec. 10.  Congrats to Dakota & Kaʻimi for being great leaders in class.

Lastly, students will be meeting our new CEO Mr. Wong tomorrow!  How exciting as he will be at our Keaʻau campus along with Trustee Wilhelm joining us for the day beginning with convocation.  As a reminder, dress whites are mandatory.

Thank you for your continued support!  Hope you enjoyed the change in this post as it is now more student focused! Have a great Sunday and the rest of the week!  Click on the photos to enlarge!

Ipad app smashing tricks!

Ipad app smashing tricks!

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BURST of Genius: Lava Flow Impact on the Big Island

This year, students in 5B have been exploring their individual “pops of genius” by exploring their passion during Genius Hour ➗ 2.  Their efforts produced great presentations, feature articles, and even poetry as students realized that sharing their ‘ike (gained knowledge) and mana’o (thoughts) can make a positive difference….that their passion and learning mattered!  (Shared in previous posts)

The students began researching the current lava flow affecting the island after receiving great questions and collaborating with our Burley 5th 302 friends in Chicago, but then wondered what they could do if they collaborated with each other (all 24 students) on one “BURST of Genius!”  Teamwork is valued in our class…many heads are better than one!  Every voice counts in our class, together, they can change the world!  Click on the hotspots above to see the “genius’ at work!”  Together, We Can!  E hana püala kåkou!

Here’s a link to Chicago’s blog that shares of our 5th grade collaboration!  Click to see Chicago’s Blog post on Teaming Across the Ocean

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Too Funny!

imageThought you’d like to see some of the things students send to me!  The techie things are awesome!  No mannequin was permanently harmed and fixed before holiday shoppers noticed 🙂

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