Monday Word of the Day…Antipode

Here’s a new word for Monday, ka’u i’a!  ANTIPODE…

Tweet from @HokulaeWWV

Tweet from @HokulaeWWV

Take a “CLOSE” look at the infographic above, really observe!…What do you notice?  Ask yourself some question as inquiry is the first step in understanding 🙂  “Na maka hohonu”…use your deepest eyes!  Check out the tweet above and do some detective work by “diving deep” into learning!

What does this mean?  Why is Høküle’a crew tweeting about this?  Why is this important to know about?  Where in the world is the wa’a?  How far are they from us?  Does this connect to me in Hawai’i?  Does this word have any connection(s) to you?  Why would Mrs. Ah Hee share this word with us?  Share your mana’o on our new word by composing a definition (in your own words) AND your connections in a thoughtful, complete, revised, and edited paragraph, AFTER doing some research🙂  Now…write a question that “sparked” in your mind after doing this response, maybe the crew of the Høküle’a can help us with it!  Think we could “tweet” them for assistance? 🙂

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Ohana Alert for Week of Oct. 19-23…

Getting down to the wire…Trimester #1 is quickly coming to a close!

IMG_4616Aloha e nå 5B Ohana and FISH!,

Just a friendly reminder that the trimester is quickly coming to a close!  Trimester #1 reading goals are closing out on Fri., Oct. 23rd!  Don’t forget, as I shared in class and at open house, the trimester goal of reading 9 genres and to keep your self-set reading goals for this trimester in mind!  Target for the end of the year is to read 1,000,000 words (approx. 28 chapter books of 120+ pages!)  Don’t wait until the last minute as presentations happen on first come first serve basis in order to be fair!  **UPDATE:  Many students are already surpassing their 9 genre goals for this trimester!  Go FISH! Go!  Remember…maka hana ka ‘ike:  In the journey, there is knowledge!

5B Ohana:  Here’s how you can partner at home, ask your keiki all about what they are reading.  Click on the link to see some starter questions 🙂 Questions to Ask Your Keiki

Mon., Oct. 19 is a Day 4

Tues., Oct. 20-Day 5:  All Christian Ed. infographics are due to Miss Shonnie today!  Aha ‘Opio retreat-Kaiyana and Kehau will be representing our 5B FISH! at this meeting.

Wed., Oct. 21-Day 6:  Early Release Day!  Please make prior arrangements w/keiki…School ends at 1:30pm.  Just a gentle reminder, all calls regarding change in your plans should go to Aunty B.  We ask that you please not call our classroom during school hours as we are hard at work, may be in another location and may not be able to get to the phone.  Aunty B  will always know where we are and will ensure that messages get passed along!  Mahalo for your understanding and køkua in this matter.  

Thurs., Oct. 22-Day 1:  No music call today as Mrs. Debus will be going on huaka’i with Papa ‘Ekolu today.  We will be having a special guest in class:  Dr. Steiner-Adair and she will be sharing about being a good citizen in our digital world.

Fri., Oct. 23-Day 2:  ALOHA Wear Day!  Come with those beautiful colors!  Its going to be a photo op moment! 🙂  It’s also FLU SHOT/NASAL SPRAY day for students who have signed up!  

Heads up for the following week:  Save those dress whites…Ekalesia will be on Mon., Oct. 26th

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Ohana Alert for the week of Oct. 13-16

Wed., Oct. 14- Day 14:  Yearbook picture retakes…don’t forget that you must contact Mrs. Rosehill if you are not satisfied with originals.  Do not cut packet apart and bring it back to school.

Thurs., Oct. 15-Day 2:  Hāweo Luncheon…were honoring Rusty and Shade’s ohana today!

Fri., Oct. 16-Day 3:  No hūaka’i today, will be rescheduled in the future.

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IXL Skills for 10/13 to 10/20…

Hi Students,

Here’s the IXL Skills to practice for this week…K.6-K.9 and L.9-11

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Wonderopolis…Can the World be a Classroom?

Ever heard the saying the world is our classroom?  Click on the link to find out!  To complete this assignment you need to do two things:

1) Post a comment to our blog and share the definition of metaphor in your own words and share one metaphor.

2) Look at the last “Try it Out” prompt, where would your dream destination be?  Explain your answer in one clear paragraph after doing a quick research of the destination.  It must be an actual place!  Post this paragraph to the padlet wall below!

All of this will be graded so please revise and edit prior to submitting work.


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Student Mana’o on Visit from Dr. Reshan Richards…Explain Everything App Co-Creator


5B FISH! and Dr. Richards Explain Everything!

5B FISH! and Dr. Richards
Explain Everything!



Sharing ALOHA with shakas!



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Math is Messy!

imageThe students and I  have embarked on a journey into fractions during math time in class!  Take a look as we learn along the way to attaining proficiency in our Number and Operations-Fraction standards and make connections to our previous learning Aha #1 and Aha #2 to build a pa’a kahua!

Some imagestudent mana’o nui “ahas”… “Learning is not neat, it is messy!” (see some of our “messy” moments in photos),  “we can use what we know about fractions in our life, especially when we look for great sales while shopping”,  “there are many ways to come to an answer”, “there are patterns everywhere, if you can find the pattern, you can solve anything”, “we can all have different ways to reach the same goal, and it’s ok, like makawalu!” Finding connections make learning relevant!  Lawe i ka ma’alea a kü’ono’ono – Take wisdom and make it deep!  Go FISH! Go…Swim Strong!  Tune in again to see those “eyes twinkle” with more aha moments!




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Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2

IMG_4571Aloha e nå 5B Ohana,

Get those calendars ready…If you’d like your keiki to retake school photo, please contact Mrs. Rosehill…retakes on Oct. 14th.  Do NOT cut photos apart & return them to school.

Mon., Sept. 28-Day 1:  Food Service Appreciation Day!  We get to honor and mahalo the Aunties and Uncles of Ha’aeamahi Dining hall for always providing us with ono mea’ai.  Thank you for all your generous donations!  Our class is going to the PTO Book Fair today!  A great time to keep in mind the short term goal of 9 genres for the trimester and long term goal of attaining the one million word by the end of the year!   Please bring your book money in an envelope to purchase books.  This will be our only time to go as a class, but you are welcome to go as an ohana during store hours!  Mahalo to Aunty Pohai & PTO.

Tues., Sept. 29-Day 2:  IXL skills K.1-K.6 due today.  Students are given a week to work on these skills that reinforce the learning that go on in class.

Wed., Sept. 30-Day 3:  SPECIAL GUEST in class! Stay tuned to hear all about it on our blog!  We celebrate all our Kepakemapa babies today!

Fri., Oct. 2-Day 5:  Substitute in class today as I will be off-island at a workshop.  Have a great week & great fall break!  See you all on TUES., OCT. 13TH!! Enjoy your ohana time!

Fall Intersession from Oct. 5-9.  Faculty in-service on Oct. 12- NO SCHOOL FOR KEIKI!  Students return on Tues., Oct. 13th.

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Much Learning, Much Fun!

The team had a great time working together to accomplish the mission during our fun Friday morning meeting activity.  Ask your keiki all about it!

Play the video again and take a “closer” look…na maka hohonu – to look deeper and you will uncover 21st century skills (communicating, collaborating, creative thinking, problem-solving), students going up the complexity levels of thinking to accomplish goal (recognizing, integrating, analyzing errors, experimenting, monitoring, examining importance), using responsive classroom strategies (to build community, allowing everyone in class an equal voice, building trust & respect for a safe environment) and the FISH! Philosophy in action (choosing your attitude, being present, playing appropriately, & making someone’s day)…ALL WHILE HAVING FUN TOGETHER!  As Angela Maiers shares “You Matter!”  Everyone matters in 5B!  Learning happens everywhere and at any time!   Hope you enjoyed “diving” into our learning.  E Ola Nø! I mua Kamehameha!

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More “Aha” Moments in Math


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