Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 9-13

Mon., Nov. 9-Day 6:  Operation Christmas Child is in full swing.  Any/All donations would be much appreciated by a child that is less fortunate!  Your køkua would provide a Christmas gift for a child who would be receiving none.  So far, we do not have any donations for our 5B shoebox.  Please send new or gently used items to class by Friday, Nov. 13.  We are all truly blessed here at Kamehameha for all that we have.  Mahalo in advance for sharing the generosity. 

Wed., Nov. 11- Veteran’s Day Holiday…No School!  Go out an mahalo a veteran or soldier today! 🙂

Thurs., Nov.  Håweo Luncheon today.  We honor Kaiyana, Kamakani, & Christian’s ohana

Report Cards going home on Tues., Nov. 17th…be on the lookout! 🙂


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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 2-6

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 12.18.06 PMWow!  Time is sure flying by…it’s already November and Trimester #1 is securely in the history books!  So much have been accomplished since the start of school…teamwork, FISH! philosophers, growth mindsetters, and much learning!  Time sure flies when we are having fun together!

Here’s the week at a glance…

Mon., Nov. 2-Day 1:  Substitute in class…all Gr. 3-5 teachers at a math training today.  Please køkua Mrs. Enos as she will be in class today.

Tues., Nov. 3-Day2: IXL Skills L.11-13 and C.13 due today

Our 5B FISH! will be participating in Operation Christmas Child again this year to køkua other keiki in our world who are not as privileged as we are.  Please help by sending small donation that would fit in a shoe box to class.  Mahalo in advance to helping to make our world a better place for all children! 

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A “SPOOK”tacular Day for 5B!

The students and I had a great day at our annual Kula Ha’aha’a Halloween festivities!  The students prepared for this as a team by creating fun and games for everyone!  The creative games were fabulous!  Ask your keiki all about it!  As you’ll soon see, everyone had a “BOO”tiful day!  We work hard and play hard…together!  One team, one heart, making a difference in our ONE WORLD!  Click on the video below to experience the FUNtastic day!

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Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Closely look at both infographics below created by Sylvia Duckworth and share a paragraph (minimum) on a personal connection to growth mindset in a specific subject area. Think of a specific situation in class and share when you adopted the growth mindset to help. Please revise and edit your writing prior to posting your comment on the blog.

Update:  Click on the comment button below to read student thoughts on growth mindset!

IMG_4807 IMG_4783

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More Join the Genre Gold Club!

As the first trimester of 5th grade comes to a close, I am elated to announce that 4 more students have accomplished their goal of reading 9 genres and are now part of the Genre Gold Club!  Yippee! Congrats to Elijah, Micah, Kamailah, & Shade for continuing to strive to thrive! In total, 19 out of 24 students met their target goal of reading the required number of genres in Trimester #1!  That’s 79% of the class!  Many of the students read more than 9 genres, some as much as 14!  The students are no longer doubting themselves as they have adopted the “growth mindset” now!  Looking forward to 24 next trimester!  Don’t forget to read, read, read to succeed, succeed, succeed…Keep swimming strong!

4 More Join the Club!

4 More Join the Club!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 26-30

Hi Papa ‘Elima Peeps!

Here’s a look at what the students have recently been doing in class.  It’s always a great conversation starter.

Happy Sunday to you all!  Here’s the week at a glance 🙂

Mon., Oct. 26-Day 3:  Ekalesia today.  Dress whites mandatory

Wed., Oct. 28-Day 5: Birthday Celebration today!  Yay!  I will be out today at a meeting off-island.  A substitute will be in class.

Thurs., Oct. 29-Day 6:  Halloween Parade-see flyer from Kumu Marcie.

Fri., Oct. 30-NO SCHOOL for students today!  Faculty Work Day

Heads up for the following week:  Mon., Nov. 2-Substitute in Class.  Teachers will be at all day training on campus.

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More Join the Genre Gold Club!

Students are cheering each other on to reach the finish!  As you know, 9 genres are required for each trimester!  Meet the newest members into the Genre Gold Club!  Ho’omaika’i to Ciana, Rusty, Kai, Kydyn, Grace, Kaiyana, & Caden!  Think Growth Mindset…Hiki No Attitude!  Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow Fri., Oct. 23 is the deadline as mentioned numerous times in student planners, notes home and ohana alert updates on our blog!  Please bring books to class if you are planning to present!

Hard Workers! Proud moments!

Hard Workers! Proud moments!

Kydyn joins the Club too!

Kydyn joins the Club too!

Day goes on...More Genre Gold Club Members!

Day goes on…More Genre Gold Club Members!

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Meet the Newest Members of the Genre Gold Club!

Great job! Newest Genre Gold Members!

Great job! Newest Genre Gold Members!

Great job students for being the first group of FISH! to make it into the  Genre Gold Club!  The students have been “swimming strong” to meet their 9 genre goal this trimester and it sure paid off!  Hulali, Alisha, Kaelum, Kaylee, Kamakani, Siddalee, Kehau, & Braelyn took the challenge of reading 9 genres in a trimester and have all met or exceeded this goal…with a week and a half to spare!  Many had an idea of what their favorite “go to” genre was when the school year began.  Many only read titles from that one genre, but after choosing books of different genres, they now share that they have new favorites or more than one favorite.  Students have been busy making great book recommendations to each other (almost 1/2 of the class read “The Fourteenth Goldfish” because a friend recommended it),  books are being passed around, shared, discussed….making this teacher smile from ear to ear!  Who doesn’t love it when students love reading! A sign of a team w/pilina on its way to GREATNESS!  Keep on reading ka’u i’a!  Dive back into our FISH!bowl to see more inducted into the Genre Gold Club for trimester #1!

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Håweo Honorees for September

We celebrated our September Håweo Honorees last week at our monthly luncheon at Ha’aeamahi Dining Hall with ono mea’ai!  We are so humbled by ohana partnering with us at Kula Ha’aha’a to help haumåna THRIVE!  Mahalo to Shade and Rusty’s ohana for joining us and always supporting our efforts in school!  It was smiles all around!

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Yes, you read correctly!  The 5B FISH! proudly announce our FIRST millionaire!  Ho’omaika’i Kehau!  You could hear a pin drop way back in August when I announced to the class (and to Ohana at Open House) that students were required to read 1,000,000 words this year…Jaws dropped open, eyes became huge with disbelief, and you could cut anxiety with a knife as it was thick in the air!

The students and I have been “swimming strong” with a growth mind set (ask your keiki all about the growth vs. fixed mind set) to move us closer to our goal.  We’ve discussed the benefits of reading, shared that students who really read 30 mins. a day tend to score much higher on standardized tests, & even did some math to calculate the minutes of reading assigned comparing it to the speed we read at to backward map and goal set to meet our target of ONE MILLION WORDS (approx. 28 chapter books of 120+ pages) by the end of 5th grade.  Most importantly, we chose our attitude!

First FISH! in the Millionaire's Club! Ho'omaika'i Kehau!

First FISH! in the Millionaire’s Club! Ho’omaika’i Kehau!

Kehau has shared her passion for great books w/the class by presenting, explored different genres (reminder…9 genres required for each trimester) and continously put the Hawaiian value of ho’omau (perserverence) in action!  Now, she is a role model as she motivates others that IT CAN BE DONE!  Congrats to Kehau for becoming our 1st inductee into the millionaire’s club!  She is on her way to her next goal…TWO MILLION words!  You go girl!

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