5B FISH! Go On Huaka’i to the Lokoi’a

Wow!  What a fabulous day!…Papa ‘Elima went on huaka’i to the Waiaåhole lokoi’a and participated in 4 stations of learning today!  In station #1, everyone participated in giving back & learned how to be great servant leaders by clearing away honohono grass that invades the flow of water in the pond.  Kumu Richards shared that without good flow, silt and sediment builds and the invasive grass grows on it, eventually suffocating the pond.  We cannot let that happen as the ancient ponds teach us so much about sustaining our world today!



Haumåna got to watch a great video from Project Kåhea Loko: “Call of the Pond” about the many lokoi’a around the islands, including the 4 types of ponds and its characteristics in stations #2.

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Station #3 was led by Mrs. Chang.  Students learned about the food chain in the pond and how every living thing is interdependent!  Creating their own food chain to represent this was so much fun!

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The last station was on the barge!  Haumåna, led by Kumu Noe, learned about the fish and birds that call the pond home and were able to see it in their natural habitat!  Got to see a blind mullet swimming very slowly…how cool!  Uncle Eli kept everyone safe on the water too! Then it was time to pack up to our next destination of Moku Ola on our journey to learn about Hilo…


Students will be learning about Maui and his Magic Fish hook from legend of Moku Ola…Kumu Richards joined us there too for some fun in the sun!  What a fab way to spend our day!


From the olelo noe’au from our kupuna…MAKA HANA KA ‘IKE – In the journey, there is knowledge!  Preserving our past, to live in the present, to protect our future!  We will use this ‘ike from our akamai Hawaiian ancestors to help make the 21st century a great time to thrive!  Mahalo to Kumu Richards, Mrs. Chang, Kumu Noe, & Kumu Blake for sharing your mana’o with us & making our day one for the memory books! Nånå i ke kumu…look to the source!  Mahalo to Shola, Uncle Eli and Uncle Bronson too!   Dive back into our FISH!bowl for an update to this post in the future to see a video of our day! image

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4


Aloha e nå 5B Ohana,

Here’s the happenings for the upcoming week!

Mon., Nov. 30-Day 4-Last Day of November, can you believe it!  Our 10th Annual Pennies for Pauahi is in full swing.  Any and all donations will be accepted!:) Mahalo to Micah W. for being the 1st to contribute to a great cause!  It’s also the Founder’s Day tryouts @ 9:20am, if you are interested.  At lunch, it’s birthday celebration for our November babies! I’ll be doing a tech presentation for Keaukaha Elem. to share the great thing you do in class w/ipads.

Tues., Dec. 1-Day 5:  Huaka’i to the Keaukaha @ the loko i’a and Moku Ola today.  Please refer to the flyer that was already sent home on Wed., Nov. 25, here’s some things to remember:  1)Must wear uniform, swim clothes underneath ok 2) Extra clothes and towel 3) Bug repellent, tabis or crocs, if you choose  4) DON’T FORGET YOUR LUNCH AND A DRINK and iPads fully charged! 

Wed., Dec. 2-Day 5: Christmas Concert rehearsal

Fri., Dec. 4-Day 2:  Christmas Concert…please refer to the green handout Mrs. Debus sent home for attire and call times.

After this week, only 10 more days of school to the holidays…so much to do before the holidays officially begin!

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Happy Thanksgiving

Aloha e nå ka’u i’a!

Hope you’re enjoying all the ohana time!  Here’s a look into our day in our FISH!bowl!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 23-25


Aloha e nå Ohana 5B!

I’d like to begin by saying mahalo nui for taking part in a wonderful 1st Trimester student-led conference!  It was fabulous to partner with you to hear all the progress e nå keiki have made so far this school year!  It was so nice to reconnect and/or to meet all of you…I am so thankful to be working w/this great 5B team!  Here’s the scoops for the upcoming week…

Mon., Nov. 23- Day 1:  We’re back on our regular schedule today! 🙂 Håweo Honors RSVP’s are due today from Ciana, Sara, and Grace.

Tues., Nov. 24-Day 2:  Thanksgiving Ekalesia @ Lunalilo Hale.  All students are required to wear dress whites to school.   Slacks for boys and skirts for girls.

Wed., Nov. 25-Day 3:  Join us for our 1st Trimester E Ola No Awards Assembly @ Lunalilo Hale!  Students are to wear their E Ola No t-shirts to school today (Wear your t-shirts too if you have one).  Please refer to the flyer handed out at conferences for details.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEKEND!  Enjoy the food, fellowship, and family time!  Enjoy your ohana time as we reflect on all the things we are so thankful for as part of the Kamehameha Ohana!  Then….shop till ya drop, it’ll be Black Friday!  🙂  Maybe even get in some reading! 😉

Heads up for Nov. 30th…We kick off our 10th Annual Pennies for Pauahi Campaign to help keiki get scholarships to KS preschools.  We appreciate any donations you can contribute to a family in need.

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Wonderopolis: Wonder # 1324


Click on the link above to read all about the Lost Colony.

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Growth Mindset #2: Ho’omau

For Mon., Nov. 16th

For Mon., Nov. 16th

Happy Monday ka’u i’a!

Use our class discussion and the infopic above to help you answer the question of the day.  Share your thoughts by writing a paragraph. Please think about connections to the questions that you ask yourself.  Revise and EDIT your writing prior to submitting a comment to this post.

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More 5B Håweo Honors

5B again honored and mahalo’d our ohana members for all that they do for Kula Ha’aha’a!  We celebrated them at our monthly luncheon celebration this past week!  We look forward to each student introducing their ohana to all of us!  It was a great day as we enjoyed the delicious Thai food provided by our Aunties and Uncles of Ha’aeamahi with Kaiyana’s, Kamakani’s, and Christian’s ohana!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 16-20

Papa 'Elima @ Play!

Papa ‘Elima @ Play!

ATTENTION STUDENTS:  Reminder:  Makahiki assignment due Sun., Nov. 15th on Edmodo. You have also all rec’d an email of this reminder from Kumu Silva.

**Bring to class your ethnicities in fractions, see email I sent to you for details.

Mon., Nov. 16-Day 4:  Mahalo for all the donations for Christmas Child!  Your donations will make Christmas day a special one for a child in need!  Our combined efforts allowed 5B to donate 10 boxes!  That’s 10 more smiling faces in our world!  We are interdependent!

Just a friendly reminder that it is student kuleana to have iPads charged nightly and brought to school ready to work throughout our day.  Many have been coming in w/no battery life!  I humbly ask your assistance to remind students at home to have iPads charged and brought to school DAILY. 

Tues., Nov. 17-Day 5:  REPORT CARDS GOING HOME TODAY!  Please be on the lookout for it in backpacks! A reminder sheet of your conference date/time already went home last Thursday.  Please be advised that conferences are 30 mins. and our 5B schedule is booked solid…e kala am, but there is no “wiggle” room due to us having 24 students that would equally like to share their successes with their ohana.

Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 19-20:  Student-Led Conference Days 🙂  I look forward to seeing you all!  I mahalo you in advance for partnering with me to help students thrive!  Students are in school ALL DAY for both days participating in enrichment activities.  Regular dress codes apply.  iPads will be left in school beginning Wed., Nov. 18.  Ohana members are welcome to take iPads home with them AFTER conferences.

**NOTE:  Only bus riders should bring backpacks to school during conference days.  Everyone else, score…leave your backpacks at home! 🙂

We’re quickly moving into the holiday season, ( I can taste that pumpkin pie 🙂  don’t forget to continue reading as 9 genres are required for every trimester and 7 IXL skills completed every month.

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#TheGreatListen-Hawaiian Style

**Updated 11/12/15:  Click on comment button below to see student mana’o!

As you might already know, students were asked to record a conversation on the topic “Is Education Important?”  Students worked hard to create follow up questions and practice their conversation & communication skills in preparation to interview a family member.

We live in a technological age and our 5th graders have never experienced a world not filled w/tech and tech tools.  They are digital natives and therefore, feel very at home with clicking, with apps, with instant feedback,etc…but, I also want them to feel at home with having to intently listen without visual interference, to have a conversation, & to be able to interact w/others.  According to Dr. Steiner-Adair, we need to intentionally unplug!

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This assignment makes concrete cultural connections with the WEO standards, integrates technology in a minimal way (just for recording-since we do not have tape recorders anymore), promotes listening skills & it also strengthens ties between student, ohana, & school by allowing a look at our work together.  Students are working on a project to help self-reflect on the importance of listening that will help to solidify the above.  Click on the link below to hear the great student conversations, Hawaiian style…”looking to the source to learn!”


Students learning how to use the voice recorder app in class with Miss Galang. Mahalo for sharing #TheGreatListen tweet w/us @5BFish!


Haumåna,  Please post a comment on the following:

1)The mana’o nui from your conversation with your ohana

2)Your thoughts on this assignment…an “aha” moment

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IXL Report for the week

imageJust sharing part of the weekly report I get from IXL on what students are learning and what needs more practice.   It also shares with me the top 5 students, wanted to share this success with all of you!  Go team!

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