Founder’s Day 2015: Mahalo Ke Ali’i Pauahi

We are truly blessed that Ke Ali’i Pauahi was a visionary for her people.  We mahalo her on her birthday on this Founder’s Day 2015…


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Sharing Christmas Cheer…Project Kahiau 2015: Part of the Forest


Hope your holidays are going “swimmingly!”  Your christmas trees are packed and ready to share with the residents of the Yukio Okutsu Veteran’s Center today.

Update:  The Christmas trees are now sitting in the rooms of the residents!!  Everyone was so happy to receive them, including the staff!  Project Kahiau…”One Tree in the Forest” was a huge success in creating a lot of cheer during this holiday season!  Flashback to how it began!

It all started about a month ago, after a class discussion on being thankful & how we are truly blessed at school because we are a team, no one is left out.   A comment was made, “like each tree makes up a forest, we are one.”  Then came the “NOW WHAT?” question and the birth of our Project Kahiau 2015: One Tree in the Forest.


Students decided to make edible christmas trees (instead of gingerbread houses) as we believe that everyone should be part of the forest.  Students planned, prepared, solicited donations at home, and we began phase 1!  Mahalo Ohana!  See the video below as the students created, decorated, and decided who to share their edible tree to…to mahalo someone in the community who they were honored to be a “part of the forest” with.

Phase 2…students decorated wooden Christmas trees to brighten up the rooms of the residents of Yukio Okutsu Veteran’s Center for the holidays after hearing a story about my son Aidan’s huaka’i (excursion) there w/classmates from KSH high school, as they too are servant/learners.  See the smiling FISH! (elves) hard at work to make beautiful Christmas trees that was to brighten resident rooms!


Which now brings us back to the beginning of this post of sharing Christmas cheer!  The Hawaiian value of Kahiau…to give with aloha with no expectations for return was put into action!

…we all know, when you give from the heart, you DO get something back…MUCH JOY!  Wishing you all Aloha Kalikimaka a Hauoli Makahiki Hou!  Joy to the World!

Uncle and Aidan today :)

Uncle and Aidan today 🙂

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Yay! Here We Go Again!

imageCongrats Kaelum for reaching the end of the school year goal…in December!  Wow!  That’s dedication and determination, all rolled into one! Kaelum loves contemporary realism, but loves the mystery “The Mysterious Benedict Society” by Trenton Lee Stewart and counts it as his all time favorite!  Keep swimming…to two million!

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In the Last Ohana Alert for the Year, We Celebrate Kaylee’s Accomplishments


Hip, Hip, Hooray!  Here comes another MILLIONAIRE!  Congrats to Kaylee…She was one of the few who actually cheered when the million word goal was announced!  She loves all the choices of brand new books we have in class and the whole lot of genres too!  Her fave, Harry Potter of course!  Great job, Kaylee…keep on swimming strong to your next goal of 2 million!

Heads up for an Exciting last week before Founder’s Day and Christmas Break: Students will be having a holiday potluck celebration on Thurs., Dec. 17 and Friday is early release day.

Mon., Dec. 14-Day 2: Sugar Cone and Paper Plate donations due in class

Tues., Dec. 15-Day 3: Secret Santa gifts brought to class today 🙂 Don’t forget to label only the TO: and stick a candy bar to tell a story about your person 🙂

Thurs., Dec. 17-Day 4: Founder’s Day rehearsal at Koa’ia Gym…please try not to be tardy to school today as we will be walking up to the high school to practice. It’s birthday celebration during lunch for all our Dec. babies! We have our 5B End of the Year (2015) Holiday potluck Bash!

Fri., Dec. 18: Founder’s Day. Ceremony begins at 9:00am. DRESS WHITES MANDATORY! Please wear your “best” white shirt and skirt/slacks. Please have hair pulled back and neat for the girls and boys short according to the handbook. Please no jewelry or jackets. This is our opportunity to honor and mahalo Ke Ali’i Pauahi, let’s do our part! Early release at 11:15am

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Millionaires Abound!

Yippee for Kamakani!  Introducing another millionaire to the Millionaire’s Club for SY 2015-2016!  Kamakani is an avid reader and completed Magnus Chase to attain the ranks of a newly coined millionaire!  Job well done, Kamakani!  New year coming, new goals to set!  Be on the lookout for wealthy readers coming real soon!

Kamakani drew his own background, notice the book titles he loves!

Kamakani drew his own background, notice the book titles he loves!

Just a friendly reminder to all, don’t forget that 9 genres are required every trimester (Fri., Feb. 5 is the deadline for Trimester #2) and it takes 28 120+ page chapter books to attain the million word goal by the end of the year!  Keep in mind our class discussions about vocabulary and presentations…document new,  beautiful language as you read and when you’re done with the book, you’re done with the vocabulary too!

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FISH! Working on Reading…

So much learning goes on during reading time…from understanding the mana’o nui, to understanding new vocabulary, to making connections to self & other text as well, to connecting to our Hawaiian values and olelo noe’au, and even how characters evolve over time!  Phew…’s a look at our morning reading lesson using the picture book (my favorite) “A Wish to be a Christmas Tree” by Colleen Monroe.  Oops, forgot to mention with all the reading standards being addressed, we also incorporated pilina building and our morning meeting sharing in this lesson.  Great time to ask your keiki all about this lesson and how it made them feel!

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Kula Ha’aha’a Honor More at Håweo Luncheon

Today, we got to honor the ohana members of Grace, Sara, & Ciana!  So exciting to see the support from a multitude of generations!  Mahalo for joining us as we mahalo you for laying a great foundation to pave the way for Kula Ha’aha’a to thrive!

IMG_4968 IMG_4966


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One More Member for the Millionaire’s Club!



Grace is a MILLIONAIRE!  As you know, the students have been “swimming strong” to meet their (end of the year) goal of reading one million words….5B FISH! welcomed Grace into the millionaire’s club today!

Great to see the value of ho’omau in “action!”  This just reinforces that it can be done, with half a year to spare!  I’m sure that Grace will have her eye on a new goal…2 million words now!  Ho’omaika’i for a job well done, Grace!  Stay tuned as more FISH! “keep swimming” towards their goal.  Many are sooo close.  This may be a record year as students have been presenting great book recommendations so everyone can do it too!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Dec. 7-11

IMG_3294Aloha mai kakøu!

Mon., Dec. 7-Day 3:  Secret Santa letter sent home w/students.  All gifts should be between $3-5 w/ TO: ____  It also should have a candy on the outside of the gift that they can make a connection to.  Please bring in Secret Santa gifts to class on Tues., Dec. 15th.

Tues., Dec. 8-Day 4: Practice w/Kumu Silva for Founder’s Day right after morning oli.  Project Kahiau:  Operation Christmas Tree letter sent home w/students.  We humbly ask for edible items to decorate Christmas trees.  Please let us know if you’re able to help donate sugar cones or paper plates…  All other edible tree decoration donations to be brought to class on Mon., Dec. 14th.  The students are also planning an end of the year potluck party on Thurs., Dec. 17th.  

Wed., Dec. 8-Day 5:  Vision Screening today…

Thurs., Dec. 9-Day 6:  Håweo Luncehon Honorees-Ciana, Sara, & Grace’s ohana at Ha’aeamahi Dining Hall at 10:40am.

Fri., Dec. 10-Day 1:  Aloha Wear Day….

Heads up for an Exciting last week before Founder’s Day and Christmas Break:  Students will be having a holiday potluck celebration on Thurs., Dec. 17 and Friday is early release day.

Mon., Dec. 14-Day 2:  Sugar Cone and Paper Plate donations due in class

Tues., Dec. 15-Day 3: Secret Santa gifts brought to class today 🙂  Don’t forget to label only the TO:  and stick a candy bar to tell a story about your person 🙂

Thurs., Dec. 17-Day 4:  Founder’s Day rehearsal at Koa’ia Gym…please try not to be tardy to school today as we will be walking up to the high school to practice.  It’s birthday celebration during lunch for all our Dec. babies!  We have our 5B End of the Year (2015) Holiday potluck Bash!  

Fri., Dec. 18:  Founder’s Day.  Ceremony begins at 9:00am.  DRESS WHITES MANDATORY!  Please wear your “best” white shirt and skirt/slacks.  Please have hair pulled back and neat for the girls and boys short according to the handbook.  Please no jewelry or jackets.  This is our opportunity to honor and mahalo Ke Ali’i Pauahi, let’s do our part!   Early release at 11:15am

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Aloha Kalikimaka Ekalesia


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