Class Reminder :) Study, Study, Study!

Aloha 5B Students,

Just a friendly reminder that we will be having a quiz on Charles Reed Bishop as well as a test on Social Studies Chapter 3.  Please use your notes in your tablets & you are also welcome to study any screen shots I gave you time in class to take on it!   As you have had over 2 weeks working on Chapterr 3, I’m looking forward to E’s galore!  Happy studying! 🙂

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Here Comes More Gold…Genre Gold!

Ho'omaika'i Kaylee!

Ho’omaika’i Kaylee!

5B FISH! Ho’okipa Kaylee into the Genre Gold Club for Trimester #2!  She joins Alisha with 2 weeks to spare!  Kaylee is an avid reader and loves…LOVES all things Harry Potter!  So you know what she’ll be reading now!  Her strategy was to concentrate on being a wide reader and completing her genre goal then reading more Harry Potter books as they are lengthy!  Strategy worked…she has met her 9 genre goal and may read even more by the deadline of Friday, Feb. 5th.

*Remember, this deadline was set at the beginning of the trimester and we have discussed many times not to wait until the last day to do your presentations.  We will be doing one for all that need to and if time permits, will repeat presenters!  Ohana:  please discuss this with your child as we all have a clear understanding of what this means.

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Wonderopolis Reading for Friday

Click on the link above to read and complete the tasks.  Skim the article and write a wonder that you have about what you are about to read.  Read the article, watch the video, complete the wonder word challenge and the test your knowledge section.  Post a paragraph summary of your wonder and your new learning related to it.

Posted in Social Studies | 27 Comments

Hui 5B Ohana! ATTENTION!!!

For Friday, January 22, 2016 PLEASE WEAR YOU E OLA NØ t-shirt!  🙂  Happy Makahiki!

Remember that Mon., Jan 25 is Charles Reed Bishop Day…dress whites are mandatory!  Girls please wear your skirts and Boys your long pants.  See you on that day!

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Santa Fe

image imageWell, it’s Monday and I’m up early as usual!😆 It is colder today at 21 degrees out!  Do I miss shorts and slippers! How are we doing you ask, the secret…layers! Still wearing tank top,but buried deep under at least 3 extra layers,not counting my leather jacket! We’ve met some great teachers here, can’t wait to share all the learning with you😉 keep studying hard as we roll to the end of January. See ha soon and will keep posting for those that are following the scoops😘love and aloha to you!


Took this shot of the sky…wonder what it is? What’s happening in the sky here?  Do you know that Roswell is close by?  If you’re wondering about Roswell, here’s a hint…aliens!

Yes, it was snowing yesterday!  Santa Fe snows!  Here’s the proof!  The local people are “over it,” but us from Hawai’i loved it!  We were freezing, but having a blast…look closely as you might see the snowflakes that I was trying to catch…LOL! In my mouth!

By Elizabeth Woody

By Elizabeth Woody

Here you go Sara!  Artwork that we are looking at…look closely to see if you can interpret any Native American symbols in this contemporary piece of artwork!  If not, I’m sure Mrs. Rosehill can help all of you out!

Artwork everywhere, even on the ceilings!

Artwork everywhere, even on the ceilings!

Hi Students

Here’s an update (Sunday, Jan 17)…today, we’re going to be exploring/inquiring about Santa Fe and the native american/indigenous art!  The art has so many similarities to our ancient petroglyphs, we are so excited to learn more!  Will keep posting the happenings in Santa Fe so drop back for the scoops!  Excuse the typos as my fingers are a tad bit frozen as it is a brisk nippy 24 degrees here!  The is a view from right outside our hotel door! This is a shot of the Basilica of Saint Francis!

It was so cool…saw some crows!  Reminded me of the Hawaiian alala!  Off to learn & listen now…more later! imageThanks for the great questions coming from you back home…Micah W. asked what does Santa Fe mean?  It means “Holy Faith” in Spanish…It is the oldest capital city in the US and situated @ 7,000 ft. elevation on the foothills of the southern part of the Rocky Mountains!  Keep those questions coming!
image imageWe explored the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture and Museum of Folk Art today…snow all around us!  Temperature fluctuates between 25 degrees this morning to about 30 degrees in the afternoon to about 19 degrees at night!  Brrr…mighty cold for people from Hawai’i!

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Håweo Luncheon Today

Today was our monthly Håweo Celebration to honor our Ohana for all their support for Kula Ha’aha’a!  5B honored Kaelum and Kaylee’s ohana at lunch!  I’m certain that the luncheon was a huge success!  We mahalo all our families for the continued support, guidance, and aloha throughout the year!

image image

Here’s my view in New Mexico! It was 40 degress, which is not too bad for this time of year here.  Some snow on the ground, but now falling yet! Ask me a question (by  posting it in the comments section) you want to know about Santa Fe and I’ll try to answer it or find the answer! 🙂  Have a great long weekend!  Don’t forget to collect facts for your persuasive speeches, the speech festival will be here sooner than you think!  Don’t wait 🙂

Pic of the Sandia Peaks in Santa Fe!

Pic of the Sandia Peaks in Santa Fe!

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 8 Comments

Alisha is Genre Gold!

3 Cheers for Alisha!  Hip, Hip, Hooray!  She has completed her 9 genre goal for this trimester with weeks to spare!  I’m sure she will be exceeding it by the deadline: Fri., Feb. 5th.  Don’t forget to plan your book selections so you too can meet the 9 genre goal and join the Genre Gold club for trimester #2.  Keep on reading, keep on swimming strong to “do it!”   Ho’omaika’i Alisha, job well done!

Smiles of success!

Smiles of success!

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading | 5 Comments

Read, Write, Persuade…Share a Book With a Teammate!

Follow the directions carefully and submit your book recommendation on our “Reading in Paradise” wall.  Don’t forget your first name and 5B only…Can’t wait for you to persuade us to pick up your book!  Be creative!



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New Year Goal Refocus :)



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A Last Look at 2015….Here we come 2016! Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan. 4-8

And we’re off…swimming into 2016 that is!  Hoping that your Christmas was “merry and bright” and your new year is starting off with a “bang!”  Welcome back to the 2nd half of your final year at Kula Ha’aha’a!  Hope your holidays were blessed with much fun, festivities, and family time making wonderful memories!  Here’s a look at upcoming week and a video of our last day of 2015 together!

Mon., Jan 4-Day 6:  Students return to school 🙂

Tues., Jan 5-Day 1:  MAP Mid Year Assessments begin.  Have a great nights sleep, come to school on time, eat a great breakfast, and be ready to show what you know!

Heads up:  Håweo Honor Luncheon on Thurs., Jan 14 as we honor Kaelum and Kaylee’s Ohana! 🙂

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