Ohana Alert for the Week of Aug. 15-19

5B FISH! Changing the World One Heart at a Time!

5B FISH! Changing the World One Heart at a Time!

Hi 5B Ohana,

This is a blog post that will appear weekly for you to see the upcoming week at a glance.  Iʻll share updates and reminders and events that 5B will be participating in.  These “OHANA ALERT” posts will usually show up on our blog by Sunday afternoon.  Be on the lookout for the blue, which is a visual clue for ohana.  If you see magenta, it is a call for action from students.

Hereʻs the first one for the year:

Just a friendly reminder that online ipad assessment and signed contract must be completed in order for students to take ipads home.  Assignments on ipads will begin soon!

Mon., Aug. 15 -Day 2: Science/Guidance Specials

Tues., Aug. 16-Day 3: Math MAP testing today.  Please have a great breakfast 🙂   Aha ʻōpio applications due today to Kumu Marcie.  Hawaiian Specials.

Wed., Aug. 17-Day 4: PE/Music Special

Thurs., Aug. 18-Day 5: STEAM Special

Fri., Aug. 19-Day 6:  We go to the library today!  Art Special

As we “dive deeper” into the year, these ohana alerts will have more information.  It is a good way to be a part of our day & great conversation starters about school! 🙂  You might want to start with why is our class blog always referring to FISH!?

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Welcome to SY 16-17! Dive in with the 5B FISH!

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana,

Finally…tech issue with laptop resolved!  Welcome to our 5B Class blog, where you can “dive in” at anytime to see what the FISH! are up to!  Itʻs been 7 days, can you believe it?  Time is flying because weʻre having so much fun…Hereʻs a glimpse of what weʻve been up to.


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A New Year, A New Beginning…

Aloha and welcome 5B Ohana!

The new school year has begun and the 5B FISH! Are off and “swimming!”  Stay tuned to more blog posts and mo’olelo on how our day went!  It should be up and ready for you to “dive in” beginning Sunday!  Couldn’t let the day end without sharing the smiles all around on our new header!  So excited to be working with the new Papa ‘Elima team this year!

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Ohana Alert!

Aloha e nå Ohana,

Just a heads up, students will be bringing home final test from Hawaiian Studies class today and a signature is required.  Please sign the red sheet and return to class on Tues., May 24 to our 5B class.  Mahalo for all your assistance!

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We Are Days Away…Continuing to Swim Strong Till the End!

Heading into the final week at Kula Ha'aha'a!

Heading into the final week at Kula Ha’aha’a!

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Håweo Awardees! Mahalo to 5B Ohana!

Mahalo to all our 5B Ohana for always supporting our Papa and Kula! IMG_4244 IMG_4248 IMG_4249 IMG_4397 IMG_4398imageimage

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End of the Year Mini Carnival


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May Day 2016: Ku’u “Åina Aloha


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Makawalu: Three Worlds Meet


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Makawalu Poem


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