5B FISH! Project Kahiau: Operation Christmas Child

imageShoe boxes have left the building…now on its way into the hands of a child to bring smiles!  We couldn’t have done it without your support!!  Sending a mahalo nui to nå Ohana 5B for your generous donations to make our 1st class Project Kahiau a success!  Your giving hearts will lift the spirits of a keiki (many keiki-see the many boxes) who would otherwise not have a gift at Christmas!  Mahalo for setting the “caring bar” high & making our global society a nicer place to live!  We are so blessed by the gift of education with the forward thinking and vision of Ke Ali’i Pauahi…so wonderful to share the aloha w/others!  We are interdependent!  

“Aloha aku, Aloha mai!”….When you give love, you receive love!

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Genres Galore: New Inductees to the Genre Gold Club

New Inductees into the GENRE GOLD club!

New Inductees into the GENRE GOLD club!

Ho’omaika’i to the 5B FISH! haumåna who met their reading genre goals for trimester #1!  Whoop Whoop to you!  Way back in August, I shared w/the students that reading was important!  That a goal for every trimester was to read from a variety of genres…at least 9 every trimester.  The expectation was to also read ONE MILLION words this year as Papa ‘Elima students!

You could have heard a pin drop, jaws hung open in horror & disbelief, but I continued to share that it can be done!  Attainable w/ho’omau (perseverance)…We had many conversations on growth mindset vs. fixed mindset & the benefits on college and career readiness & how reading impacts test scores too!

Grit, Hard Work, Ho'omau...& ALL SMILES!

Grit, Hard Work, Ho’omau…& ALL SMILES!

Well…Trimester 1 ended & many students worked hard to accomplish their reading goals!  Many were super close & have already discussed strategies to meet the reading goals for Trimester #2!  Congrats again ka’u I’a!  Job well done! Keep swimming strong, keep your eye on the target! Looking forward to inducting new members into the Genre Gold Club for trimester #2!

He kuleana ko ke keiki!  “Even children can shoulder responsibility!”.

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Ohana Alert: IXL Reminder

imageAloha e nå haumåna,

Just a friendly reminder that 7 IXL skills are due monthly! Noticed that many of you are forgetting.  IXL skill you work on are your choice.  We made agreement @ the beginning of the school year for you to complete the 7 skills any time within the month to accomodate your busy schedules w/extra-curricular activities (so you can decide when it would best work into your schedules), but you need to complete it.  If this plan doesn’t work, we will need to revise plan for IXL skills to be assigned nightly.  For skills to count, you need to have a minimum of 80%!

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Ohana Alert: SL Conferences & Week of Nov. 14-18

Hana hou! Fun Memories for the FISH!

Hana hou! Fun Memories for the FISH!

Aloha 5B Ohana,

Be on the lookout for Student Led Confirmation forms which were sent home today (Thurs., Nov. 10).  Forms should be in planners & backpacks!  A great majority received one of your choices, unfortunately, there were a couple of people that did not.  As sign ups were 1st come, 1st serve.  Thank you for your understanding!  Look forward to having students share their gains with you!  See ya soon!

Mahalo nui to all of you who graciously donated items & shoe boxes full for our Project Kahiau…Operation Christmas child will be sure to get the wonderful gifts into the hands of a child who otherwise would have nothing.  Thank you for sharing your aloha from the heart!

Tues., Nov. 15-Day 4:  Official report card goes home.  You will also find a student report card analysis.  The report card is yours to keep.  I kindly ask for your assistance in signing and returning the report card analysis as students will be referring to it throughout trimester #2.

Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 17-18:  STUDENT LED CONFERENCES :). All 5B conferences will be held in Pauahi Lani Nui Admin. Bldg (less walking for you) to allow students to use our classroom for their enrichment classes.

Have a glorious long weekend w/ohana-make a lot of wonderful memories!…hug a veteran, thank a veteran, honor a veteran for helping us to enjoy the freedom that we do!  God Bless them all!

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Student-Led Conference Update…

imageTIME FLYING BY…Updated 11/2/16 Update for SL Conference sign up…All first thing in the morning and last times of the day are filled for both days.  I will try to honor your choices of day/time to meet, but if your request is taken (like in some cases, I will assign the closest slot to your choice). Have already received 18 this morning. Mahalo for your assistance!  FINAL CONFIRMATION of your date/time will be sent home w/students on Tues., Nov. 8th.  :).  Reminder:  Substitute in class for the next 2 days.

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Operation Christmas Child Donations

screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-10-39-14-amAloha 5B Ohana,

As part of our Papa ʻElima Project Kahiau 2016, the students and I hope to help keiki who are less fortunate then ourselves by making donations of small items of toys, games, toiletries, clothing, stuffed animals or any other creative item for Operation Christmas Child.  Items can be new or gently used items that you feel would make a keiki smile! Collection begins on Mon., Nov. 7 and ends on Nov. 9th!  A quick turnaround time this year!  Mahalo for your generosity!  If your ohana would like to donate a whole box, please pack in any shoe box and decorate it for Christmas!  🙂

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina, Project Kahiau | 2 Comments

Kula Haʻahaʻaʻs Ghosts and Ghoulettes Come Out to Play!

We work hard, We play hard!

Take a look at our video as we celebrated the season!  Mahalo to all the 5B ohana for your generous donations to our paʻina!  The students enjoyed every bite!

Hauʻoli lā BOO iā kākou! Happy Boo Day Everyone!

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Continuing to DIVE into Inquiry…

The 5B FISH! are continuing our inquiry-based learning by “diving” into the essential questions: What is sustainability?  Why is sustainability an island issue?  Why is sustainability a global issue?  See the thinglinks of inital inquiry by students!  Tap on the images below to see hotspots to learn more!  The students app-smashed by using picollage and importing it into thinglink app to share their learning.

Posted in Cultural Learning, Social Studies, Sustainability, Techie Things | Tagged | 2 Comments

Annual Halloween Parade & 5B FISH! Pa’ina!

To all you 5B Ghosts and Ghoulettes!

Just a friendly reminder…our annual Halloween parade is happening tomorrow, Mon., Oct. 31st at 12:25pm!  Don’t forget to bring your costumes & 2 canned goods to school so we can have a “spook”tacular day!  Have your games ready to have fun together and mahalo your ohana for the donations of potluck dishes for pa’ina too!  We’re gonna have a Howling good time!  Can’t wait to see all your creative costumes!  Please be sure to follow guidelines 🙂

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Oooohana Updates from Our 5B FISH!Booowl….

imageSo much vuunnderful news going on in our classroom, wanted to be sure to share it all with Ooohana!  So booootiful to watch as students work hard both individually and tooogether!  Ok, all Halloween fun aside…

Chayden shares his strategy on how to meet genre goal! Great job Chayden!

Great job Chayden! Sharing strategies to MEET goal!

As you all know, the trimester genres for reading were due on Mon., Oct. 24th, BUT you might have heard that final, no exceptions deadline was extended to 10/25 to help all students build on their “grit” to not give up and continue working hard until the very end!  Wanted all students to understand that hard work & effort is fruitful! I’ve witnessed students using every last min. to prepare presentation (some asking to stay in at recess), sharing strategies on how to meet goal, discussing genres together, sharing great books with one another, cheering each other!  Students are learning about time management, putting ho’omau into action, &  learning to differentiate genres by characteristics in a book!  All things to celebrate!!  It CAN be done!  11 out of 24 students have met their 9 genre reading goal for the trimester and at least 8 more were super close, one or two genres away!

imageStudents also shared their reflections on how they met genre goal or how they will plan and prepare to do so in Trimester #2 with you…Students have shared how they need to “not procrastinate,” “take kuleana more seriously,” “make better just right book selections,” “strategies to learn more words,” “when to 86 a book,” “make reading a priority,” & “take risks to read other genres” which allowed them to find a new favorite one! (More to celebrate) Mahalo Ohana for partnering w/me to help students succeed!  “Maka hana ka ‘ike!”  In the journey…there is knowledge!  Looking forward to 24 out of 24 meeting genre goals in Trimester #2!

Congrats Brayden! Our keiki conductor for Founder's Day 2016!

Congrats Brayden! Our keiki conductor for Founder’s Day 2016!

Ho’omaika’i to Brayden!  He will be taking on the huge kuleana of being our Kula’s keiki conductor at Founder’s Day when we celebrate Ke Ali’i Pauahi’s birthday and honor & mahalo her for her vision to advance keiki o ka ‘aina to be citizens of the world!

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