Category Archives: Techie Things

Comparing Characters

R.5.L. 3 http:// Untitled from KSH Kula Ha’aha’a on Vimeo.   After you have completed the task that you received from the “Pokies” above, create a group of pokies to represent the main characters in the book “Bully” by Patricia … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things | 10 Comments

New App: Fotobabble

http:// Hi Students, Using the app of your choice, create a vocab presentation following the directions on my fotobabble above.  Click on the photo above to hear the directions.  Use the app that best shows your ingenuity! 🙂    

Posted in Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 8 Comments

Calling All App-Smashing FISH!….Help!!!

Hi There ka’u I’a! Please HEEELLLP!  As you know, I share ideas, apps, new techie tools with you then I let you “go at it!”  Well, I was so impressed with your eporgressfolios over the two day student conferences that … Continue reading

Posted in Techie Things | 23 Comments

Ohana and Student Alert for the Week of Nov. 25-29

http:// Student Message for the Week of Nov. 25-29 from KSH Kula Ha’aha’a on Vimeo.   Students:  Click on the message above! Trying new ways to use Buddy Poke app on our blog…still have tons of learning to do, canʻt … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 24 Comments

Student Schedule for Conference Days

Hereʻs the studentsʻ schedule for Conference days on Thurs. and Fri. this week.  Created using Sticky Notes app

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things | 1 Comment

Be A Ferocious Wolf! Be A Fearless Wolf! Be A Fierce Wolf!

The Wisdom of Wolves Movie. Wolves have gotten a bad rep!  People have targeted them as being wild, vicious, dangerous…yes, they may be all that, but a whole lot more.  Ever study wolves?  Look at it from their perspective.  You … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Techie Things, Writing | 24 Comments

Morning Message for Nov. 18 :)

And…weʻre going to be revising our lock screen, ask me how! 🙂

Posted in Pilina, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

A Snapshot of Boston Memories

Students:  See if you can recognize some of these photos or identify its historical significance…now…scan this QR code and it will allow you to “dive a little deeper” into these photos!  Tap on the bulls eyes!  The bulls eyes are … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies, Techie Things | 2 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 18-22

http:// Hey Class…Itʻs great to be back in warm weather, donʻt think Iʻll ever complain about being cold in our class A/C or Hilo weather again! 🙂  I missed seeing snow fall (Mrs. Pai was there, Iʻll try to get … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things | 1 Comment

Huh? A What? Participatory Culture?

What is a PARTICIPATORY CULTURE?  Does it happen in our class?That is what I am currently learning about now at 8:58am!  (You’re still sleeping, its 3:58am Hawaii time).  What is that?  How do you go about solving this?  Post your … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things | 19 Comments