Category Archives: Social Studies

Guest Student Blogger – KAILI

Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. Surfing is a hobby that some of my classmates and I enjoy. Surfing originated from western Polynesia,but most people don’t know that. Surfing is a Hawaiian sport that is enjoyed by many people around the … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – MAHINA

Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. Kamehameha’s mother was a princes on maui and the day that Kamehameha was born,the kings wanted to kill him because they knew that soon he would become king. They knew that he would be king … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 3 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – SULIASI

Hi, my name is Suliasi and I am a Fish! philosopher in Mrs. Ah Hee’s 5th grade class. A recent post on our blog about IT visitors sparked a comment. The picture may not be clear, but it is not … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 6 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – KARL

I’m Karl from 5B Fish! Turning Kalo Into Poi is really easy and a great hobby you can do! Poi is good for long voyages out at sea because it can last for days and even weeks! It was even … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Writing | 6 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – DAYANEE

I have the privilege of living in Hawaii and seeing all of the beautiful flowers every day.  One of my favorites is the Lehua. The Lehua can be red,orange or yellow.  “Pele’s Revenge” that tells us about how the lehua … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Writing | 5 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – TAYZIALYNN

This blog post is about hula. This is very important to me because it is apart of my culture.Hula is a cultural dance that hawaiians do. In school in hawaiian class and we learn how to do hula. Hula is … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 6 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – TY

We are so very excited to be quad blogging! This is my guests blog about the Ti leaf, hope you learn a few things about the ti leaf and I hope you enjoy it.  

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Sustainability, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 7 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – KAʻIANA

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. What you will see in this movie is a short story about paddling and the molokai hoe ( it’s a long distance race ) I will explain what it is and how it became … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – LEHIA

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. Long ago people reveal legends of the immense dragon like moʻo or lizards that roamed the land. Such as the giant moʻo of panaʻewa and the furious battle with the goddess Hiʻiakaikapoliopele which created … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

Thinglink App In Action! Hilo Hanakahi Learning

The following links are student learning from our huakaʻi (field trip) with Kumu Lehua to Hilo Hanakahi.  The students had the opportunity to learn about the Keaukaha area as it is part of the wahi pana of Hilo…Did you know … Continue reading

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