Category Archives: Reading

Wonder For the Day: 2/23/15 Write a 1-2 paragraph summarizing your learning.  

Posted in Reading, Social Studies | 23 Comments

Wonderopolis For Thurs., Feb. 19

Here is the link to your morning assignment: Students:  The comments that you post should be THOUGHTFUL!  You should share factual information as well as your opinion and WHY you believe that!

Posted in Reading, Social Studies | Tagged | 11 Comments

Got Genres? Why Read a Variety of Genres?

http:// Created with Padlet  

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Congratulations to our newest inductees into the Millionaires’ Club!  All of these haumåna have read one million words so far this year…and counting!  As Trimester #2 is winding down to just hours, Hayden, Dakota, Dylan, Kameron, Makana, & Emma join … Continue reading

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More Math Wonders…

Aloha Kakahiaka e nå Haumåna, More reading about math!  Check out how to use an abacus!  Share your thoughts and new learning by posting a comment.  Don’t forget to check out the “Try It Out, ”  “Still Wondering,” and  “Test … Continue reading

Posted in Reading | Tagged | 14 Comments

Pops of Genius #3

This year is a momentous year for us in 5B!  Why, you ask?  Well, the 5B FISH! took on “Genius Hour!”  This is a time when students are allowed to research their passion, look up information that they value, try … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Writing | 2 Comments

Kacelyn the 1st to Become a MILLIONAIRE!

Ho’omaika’i to Kacelyn, our very first millionaire for this school year!  Way back in August, the students sat in disbelief as I shared that the expectation was to read 9 genres EVERY trimester and to read ONE MILLION words by … Continue reading

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Wham! Bam! Boom! Pow! Powtoon That is!

Need a great book in a hurry?  Don’t have time to browse the shelves? Well 5B haumåna can help!  As the trimester rapidly comes to a close, the students in 5B would like to share some of their favorite books! … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 21 Comments

Wonder of the Day…Learn All About Math Click on the link above to learn all about math…Post a comment on your thoughts.  Share a connection that you make and explain why you think that citing examples from the text.

Posted in Math, Reading | Tagged | 8 Comments

Reading Recommendations: “Read Any Great Books Lately?”

Tap on the padlet below and add to our reading recommendation wall!  Don’t forget to share the title, genre, and something that would help someone look for a great book or to hook teammates in to want to read it! … Continue reading

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